The MuroMax Codex
The compiled works of MuroMax, the collaborative entity of Murometz and Scrasamax, the Mythmaker and the Mechanic.
As suggested some time ago by MoonHunter, this Codex will be the repository of all works that have been crafted as a collaborative work between Murometz and myself, Scrasamax.
The Idealists
Article Codex
Articles • Resource • Gaming - In General
Forsooth!! (whatever the hell that means)
Ever since I bought a copy of Jeffrey Kacirk's Forgotten Words tome, I have become somewhat obsessed with, well...forgotten words. As you read these bizarre, often-silly, and sometimes downright sensible words, phrases and their meanings, you may discover what I did. It seemed that almost every term I came across, instilled some sort of fantasy rpg idea in my head.
I propose a challenge for all word-lovers! Pick any one and do a submission featuring and inspired by said word. Simple enough right? I tried to pick some of the jucier ones.
This can be added to in three ways. Firstly as mentioned, as an entire submission based on one word or phrase. Secondly, more funky archaic terms can be added alphabetically as scrolls, and thirdly, just by using a word or two in future submissions.
If nothing else, these words can be used to pleasantly pepper one's writing!
Organizations • Natural • Area
None left upon the Mountain, my brothers in arms.
Motto of the Society of the White Azalea
Organizations • Ethnic/Cultural • Area
'Listen to the Wind! Listen to Crackling Fire! Listen to the Groan of the Mountain! Listen to my Voice! Listen and you will See through the Smoke! See the Old Ways of our Forefathers! See the Glory of our Clan! See the Might of our Race!'
—Horn-Of-Plenty, Shaman of the Thorondrim Minotaurs, leading his people in the Khuugrad
Items • Wand/Staff/ Arcane • Magical
...and walking sticks, and crosiers, and goads, and scepters, but no wands!
Locations • City • Other
Milord I do present a uniquely industrious city located on the periphery of the Sea of Grass and the bawn of the Ganhojol Forest.
Plots • Crisis • Campaign
A dangerous romp across the Soviet Union in a race to rescue the eccentric Dr. Pegasus before he can complete his secret design.
Plots • Event • Single-Storyline
Once a year, and each year in a different place, the wandering bazaar and social gala that is the Thieves Convention is held. Invitations Only!
Locations • Area • Any
What thieves convention can be complete without the ubiquitous Black Market! The specifics can obviously be as varied as one's imagination. In fact, please consider this as the scroll it's intended to be. The more stalls and booths the merrier!! Scras and I would like to see forty or so by next years convention. These are just twelve random ones we came up with. Some are quite standard, while others slightly more unorthodox. Maggot, your 'thief bugs' & their insidious proprietor go here.
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- You should register. All your friends are doing it!
? Responses (5)
Moved from the in work section as per cleaning out of said section. Really I have no idea why I left this in the In Work section.
Since it was my idea for you all to have a codex of your combined work, it is only fair that I vote well and comment on it.
You two guys are very dangerous when together. Thumbs up!
I like this.