A Usurper and a Wizard have conspired to create a trebuchet of exceptional size and strength, but it's real power lies in it's charms of enchantment. The King plans a jovial celebration and tournament, which the Usuper plans to ruin by bombarding the festivities with projectiles that only become visible after they crash to earth. The Heroes must find a way to stop the usurper and destroy his siege engine. The Celebration cannot be interrupted, and the search must be done in secrecy, both for the guests, and to take the Usurper by surprise. Won't someone think of the children?
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? Responses (8)
This is great, it reminds me of the adventure hooks at the back of the old roleplaying books from the 80s. This one has got flair.
Think of the children. LOL I think they will be able to determine direction by the damage path. Height of the throw by the depth of the initial impact. Then it just leaves using elementary trigonometry and some minor calculus taking into account the coriolus affect, pull of the moon, wind, nearby asteroids, barometric pressure, dew point and atmospheric pressure on a sliding scale of medium averaged density to find the arc, trajectory and origin. So not very hard to find. ;)
I like the plot. I'm picturing the Usurper as a Dick Dastardly, wringing gloved hands as boulders seem to appear from nowhere in the town.
How does one aim an invisible trebuchet?
more than once?
Think of the children! :D
Love it.
NOT THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!! 4/5
Ah, Medieval Thriller.