The Cult of the Strangler
The Strangler is a chaos entity worshipped by an assassin cult. Using narcotics in their worship members of this killing cult are very very dangerous.
The Strangler is a chaos entity worshipped by this cult. The cult has been outlawed in every major civilization and cultists are hunted wherever they may be. Still their services can be purchased by those who know where to look, yet only the desperate seek to do so, for more than once a crazed strangler cultist has been known to turn upon his employer. Often these assassins are no more than rambling madmen met in dark alleys or sleeping in rags in the gutter. If they cannot get any assignments, they make their living through murder robbery.
The cultists use a strong narcotic* when they perform their ritual killing and they wash their hands in goat blood before the kill. Such are the ways of the cult and such are the teachings of the Mad Strangler. The narcotic lends them unnatural awareness and the blood sanctifies their hands. The stranglers always strangle with their bare hands, and the strength in their sinewy arms is legendary.
*The narcotic they use is called Khamot and is drunk before they bathe their hands. It makes them unnaturally aware and long time usage often result in psychotic black outs. Of course, the strangler cultists ain't exactly stable in the first place.
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? Responses (6)
Good solid post. I'm taking the post for what it is.
A nice compact information set up on a cult that one could easily expand.
A + for the goat blood and Khamot.
I love it. I wish it was much longer and more detailed. Where it came from originally? Are their leaders? Is there an actual God worshiped? etc...
But its a great idea. For someone who has a lot of darkness and secrete assassin guilds fighting one another, I love it.
I agree with Mourngrym. How did I miss this the first time?
Nice adaptation of the Thugee Cults! Short on detail but evocative.
It's enough for me to drop a member or two into a game as minor opponents, but not detailed enough for me to form is as a major group within a game I'd run.