Adventurers and Beetles both quest after the same things. The Beetles tend to win.
Full Description
Spoilsbugs are fist sized black beetles which normally burrow through the earth like moles and live on all kinds of minerals which they chew up with razor-sharp mandibles.
Whilst they eat all metals, their favorite food is gold, silver and other precious and semi-precious metals. The will also nibble on rock with high metal contents. They will also eat most crystal (like gems and crystal).
They are very slow walking about. They tunnel through stone at about the same speed. However, they are relentless.
They can give a nasty bite with their mandibles, although they only ever bite living things in self-defence. Their bodies are so hard that when attacked, they roll into a ball and can survive being stomped on, being struck with swords, and being thrown around.
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? Responses (3)
Ouch, I hit a vein of sketchy MH ideas transferred from V1. I like most of these, but this is YET another partially finished post. Needs more work.
It is pretty minimalist post, but I like the idea. I remember the rust monster from D&D long ago (I actually found a plastic rust monster toy in my sandbox when i moved into a new house when i was 4!). Anything to take away the players' treasure. If your party gets too rich, an enemy could easily obtain a few of these and make them quite sad. But this makes me wonder how much could they eat? Given enough time, a lot right, but that makes me wonder (i'm serious).. what comes out the other end? I mean, the PCs come back to a vault with no gold, but full of... what? How does on digest gold? Or does it come out ionized (like a gold ion salt solution).