A Spikespear is a long barbed spear made from a type of coral and used mostly by the People of the Coral, allthough Shura have also been known to use it. The *handle* is prefectly safe to hold once it has been properly shaped with stone tools, a process that takes about a day, but the *blade* is made of sharp and poisonus coral that can rip an Aquan Man of War apart, and do serious harm to other beings too. The wounds from such a weapon often get infected to the point that amputation is nesscessary. As well as a weapon it is a great hunting tool.
Once allowed to dry on land however, the coral blade dies and blunts and the handle becomes brittle and will crumble iif used in combat, so it is used only by the underwater races.
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? Responses (8)

Spears make sense for an underwater race, due to the problems of water resistance. How rare is the coral?

Quite common.Common enough to equip large numbers with it.

Hey Cheka - might want to add a little (lot) more to this one, or fold it into a larger sub.
This feels like a scroll entry rather then a sub I'm afraid.

I'm sure that there can be some improvements to this one - the basic idea is kind of cool, but needs a lot more flesh on it.

They always ask for improvements, don't they? (Okay, I am guilty of that as well.)
So where to improve... how about noting the regional differences in the material, and the effect of the composition of various waters? Skilled warriors could learn much about an opponent from his weapon. So his spear comes from the reef yonder, but traveled far into the South, and was in the depths for a long time; broken and repaired many times... there is one name that comes to mind. There is still potential here.

what otyher weapons might they be equiped with

cause one of the guys i am gming for is a total newbe and insist he wants to be a sea druid

Is this worth reworking like I did with Lawbane?