Full Description
Like many animals in The Wastes, it is large. Soarers appear huge at first glance, with long broad webbed wings and long snake like bodies and tails. That is only when they are fully unfurled. In honesty, they are merely good sized flying creatures of the Wyvrn branch.

The body, though snakelike is flat, but able to curl in any number of serpentine ways. It is quite strong though. It can crush a man if grasping in a right way.

The wings remind one of a bat's stretched skin wings emerge from the body soon after the head. Each wing is nearly twice as long as the body.

The bat-like wings make the large forward facing ears even more batlike than they appear. The beak like mouth holds two retractable fangs capable of injecting a paralytic poison into most things. The poison regenerates slowly, so often the Soarer will either crush its prey or carry it high into the sky and release it.

Soarers live in colonies of 6 to 40. The Colony's activities center around the high cliffsides or large standing boulders that they will use for nesting. They will always be within a one days flight of these places.

Soarers seldom touch the ground. They can spend days at a time in flight, riding the thermals from The Wastes (or any place hot or windy enough). They appear to even sleep while flying.

While They glide high on thermals and the occasional wing stroke. These "gliders" are actually floaters. They have "gas bags" in their bodies to help keep them afloat. This allows them to be in constant flight and not spend too much energy staying aloft. *never hit a Soarer with a flaming object at short range*

They hunt on the wing. They can strike and bite. Most of their prey is fairly small, so this is not a problem. Larger prey is easy for them as well. Most often, they grab things with their tails. They either crush their prey or kill it with toxic fangs or both. Sometimes, they will swoop down and pick up a target, then drop it from on high. They can decide to bash a target with repeated swooping attacks, but that seems to be the thing of tall tales. They do make repeated sweeping runs at the corpses they drop on the ground, taking out chunks each time. On rare occasions, they will land to lick up the remains. Most of the time, they will eat their fill and drop the remains.

Soarers are creatures of the air. They seldom touch the ground. They are awkward on the ground as they are a large unbalanced large headed snakes. The only ground they normally touch is the high peeks and boulders that their colonies call home. It is there they give birth and raise any young.

Additional Information
Their cries are a long and piercing sound that seems to carry for miles upon miles.

It is unconfirmed if their cries after feeding is to signal other Soarers of the colony that they can feed off its remains or not.

Soarers have some of the best vision of the flying world. They can see things from on high.

Soarers can also do a falcon like drop, achieving incredible speeds. Unlike a falcon, they can not "snap out" of the dive easily. Their approach is diving down far enough away and silently moving upon the prey parallel to the ground.

These things tend to stay away from City Image - Carnous. If they could, they would pick off people there. However the city is built with sharp right angles, walls, and arches to break up any "straight runs" that a Soarer could use to pick off a person.

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