Full Description
Standing between one and two meters in height, Sirrush are graceful and proud creatures. Their shoulder blades sprout elongated scales, and their tales are pebbly, contrasting with their otherwise smooth skin. Their necks form a graceful 'S' curve, and terminate in boxy feline heads that sport thin, sparse whiskers.

Sirrushi are divided into hundreds of breeds, mostly seperated by the squareness of their shoulders, tail length, height, and color (Though most Sirrushi are a shade of cobalt or sepia.) The most well known is The Tallian Sandrunner, sleek, yet powerful, standing just over two meters and ridden by the fearsome Knights of Grace and Mercy. The Sandrunner is pale green, with white scales and whiskers, the colors of the Tale Empire.

The Second most popular breed is Carrabo's miniature Sirrush, standing at one meter. The Carrabo has a mottled hide, and is a favorite pet of middle and upper class children, though even some of the poorest families can afford one. The Carrabo has very thin shoulder's, and it's back legs are slightly shorter than the front, giving it a comical, elongated appearence. It's tail is long and thin, while it's shoulder scales are very small and dull.

The Tunneling Sirrush, a powerful, if short, breed, is used in caravans. Because of it's broad shoulders and remarkable sense of direction, it is most often used for pulling heavy wagons. A few, generally the pups, are trained to find water, another of their remarkable abilities.

Finally, The Soul Wrecker Sirrushi are an ancient lineage bred by Odhanni Mages for strength and speed. Their Coats are garishly colored, often having atleast 5 hues to an animal. Soul Wreckers are perpetually ravenous and aggressive, no matter how well fed and treated they are.It is not unkown for these Sirrushi to eat their master and/or the rest of the village, leaving them a rare and dangerous commodity.

Additional Information
Sirrushi are Therapsids, the bridge between Mammal and reptile. They are closely related to Kannemeyeriidae, large stocky herbivores, though Sirrushi are now Omnivorous, with a preference for meat, fish in particular. Originally native to to southern Odhannah, bodering the Sea of Lovers, Sirrushi became an integral part of Tallian society during the Burning sun campaign, where Emperor Jerrimon II cut a swath through the Odhanni tribes in a move against Kalmshan.

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