LLorryn of Rydlin crafted charms and magic items over his lifetime. All are known for his trademark, the ringing sound caused by the magic flowing through them. While bards have granted him immortal fame through his thirteen Singing blades, among warriors and weaponsmiths, he is best known for his "singing knives". He crafted dozens upon dozens of these fine blades. Most are still in use today.

Full Item Description
Each Singing Knife is a long knife of Rydlin Steel. The blades are 9" long (22cms), 1.2" (3cms) wide tapering notably in the last half inch to a wicked point. Both edges are sharp and the blade has a central groove as a blood channel.

Each knife has a blue damascene sheen to them, as do all items of Rydlin Steel. (They are as hard and strong as any modern Rydlin steel.) Their magic can be "seen" if one holds them in sunlight. The blue and damascene patterns is vibrant and brilliant in the light. The crossguards and tiny pommels are made of brushed bronzed steel. Once polished, these pieces gleam like gold. The guards are ovals

Their hilts are special and quite comfortable to use. They are made of the regional black oak, with brushed down steel wire twine inset in the wood in a slow spiral. The enchantment of the blades has preserved this wood over the centuries. The handles are made in the traditional Rydlin pattern: smoothed yet grooved with finger ripples for firm grip with the traditional wide "thumb divot" for comfortable use. Making such a grip is difficult, but well worth it. Knives so equipped require special familiarity to use, can not be thrown without sever penalty, and grant bonuses to resisting disarms/ take aways/ dropping.

Note: It is said that LLorryn was the first to make guards and hilts of this style. Many scholars dispute that. However, everyone does credit him for making it popular.

The knives will "sing" when moved quickly or after striking something. The Singing Knives will "hum" for a time... much like a tuning fork struck and waved.

Note: Lets face it, PCs wills start making lightsaber noises, hum, or actually get tuning forks which they will swing around. Encourage it. It makes the weapons more interesting.

These knives are made of Rydlin Steel, so they get those bonuses as well.

These are the most prevalent works of LLorryn of The Singing Steel 2975. He was a master smith who was known during his lifetime as the maker of charms and weapons. His thirteen Singing Swords (see The Singing Blades) brought him fame because of Bardic fondness for them and their flashy wielders. The dozens upon dozens of known Singing Knives bring him undying praise of those who have used him.
Magic/Cursed Properties
The main magic of the Singing Knives, common to all the master smith's blades, in enhanced speed of strike. They strike like lightning.

This adds to the initiative of the wielder, pluses to quick draw rolls, and grants either pluses to hits or penalties for the dodge/ block rolls. In knives, this will also increase their damage by one step/ one point (1d4+1 or some such)

The wielders have reported increases in their reflexes, agility, and dexterity, while carrying the blades.

Each one never needs to be sharpened. This alone makes these blades highly prized.

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