Full Description
The Sincewela is an obviously strange creature, a thick and ropey mass of crimson cilia and several large prehensile tentacles. They are highly mobile, able to climb and cling to nearly any surface via a sticky secretion generated by the red cilia. The tentacles are tool using limbs, and can wield one handed weapons with ease, they can also be used to make physical attacks

the_heck.jpg|left|The Sincewela]

Their mode of sensory perception has yet to be discovered, but the Sincewela is able to penetrate all illusion based magics, as well as foil all invisibility spells and magic items. In truth, the Sincewela uses several senses, the most notable being a biolelectric sense akin to a shark. The second is a motion and vibration sense that is something between touch and hearing. The third sense is a nearly supernatural sense of smell, Sincewela can detect and sort out pheromones, allowing it to sniff out gender and race with ease. These senses, not possessed by the average race, cannot be replicated with normal magic.

As a constructed being, the Sincewela have no known means of reproduction, though they do have an interest in females of the species. This is a general desire to be in closer proximity to females than males since the Sincewela thinks females have more interesting and variegated pheromones.

Additional Information
Created decades ago by the Alchemist Chemish III, the Sincewela have served as his pets and body guards. Since each one ranges from the size of a small dog to the impressive size of a horse, he has ample companionship and protection. The smaller specimens serve as laboratory assistants, while the larger ones spend their time hiding from natives and feeding.

Chemish had no desire to create a monster, so the Sincewela sustain themselves on absorbed pheromones, nutrients absorbed through the air and by rainfall. They have a decided weakness in that they must remain moist at all times or their vitality rapidly decreases until they perish. Salt and other finely ground abrasive compounds are effacious at wounding the Sincewela and will ward them away quite well. Another factor in their creation is that they are for the most part very shy. If a person is not threatening, they will evade and hide, rather than pursue.

Folk Stories
The locals have gotten glimpses of the Sincewela, but all of the ones officially seen have been the diminutive lab assistants. A few locals, youths and laze about drunkards have seen the mature 1000 pound specimens, though no one believes them on the matter. They have names like 'Old Swampy' the kraken that supposedly lives in the local bog, or 'Big Red' the ghost of the Pine barrens, that sort of thing.

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