The School of The Seeker does not have an actual school, but it is a fellowship of several dozen wizards. The school is named for a wizardly guardian from long ago, those that protect The Realms from forces beyond the ken. In fact, the school is actually founded by his three apprentices.

It is the wizardly school of hard knocks. There are easier programs of study. It is part boot camp, part test of character, and an magical crash course all rolled into one. Those that follow Seeker's way are strong, resiliant, and know their weapons. They are also used to adversity (see school abilities). They are taught how to use magic properly, maximizing effect with the least amount of effort. They are taught how to handle people. They are taught how to see the future and safeguard others.

The Grimoire of a Seeker Student is quite an eclectic mix of spells. Every tiny cantrip is studied, as you never know what will be useful. There is no mastery of one school of study or element, but a broad overview of every school.

Much of what they are taught is not magic. They are advisors to heroes and crowns. They are guild troubleshooters. They learn about people, about history, about monsters, and if they survive their training (which about 30% don't) about themselves.

About 50% quit at some point, as the training is guelling and a decade long (over two). Thus their are few followers of Seeker's Way.

1) Its wizards to deal with adverse conditions (granting them only half the negative modifiers for adverse conditions and half for positive conditions)
2) All spell lists are open to them except the higher level specialty spells. They know every cantrip in the world.
3) They are taught weapons and unarmed combat, as well as a wide variety of lores, so there is no prohabition against learning anything.
3b) They are travellers, so they know travel lores and area knowledges.
4) The catch is that your destiny is no longer your own. You must save the world from itseld and untold horrors. If you shirk your duty, more experienced members of the School hunt you down and kill you. (or keep your soul in a jar as an example to other bad students).

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