Whilst they are not the leading predators that they used to be, a bite from them is still to be avoided.
Full Description
Once in a time long before humans or elves or even the oldest and most mighty dragons, the Sandkoi were the apex predators. With a maximum height of three feet wide and up to eight feet long (most were much smaller then this, with a thick green scaly skin, two waterproof eyes, and massive jaws filled with sharp teeth and a long sticky tounge for catching insects, their only opponents once fully grown were themselves.
Their legs ended in great flippers which enabled them to walk across the surface of quicksand where any other creature would get bogged down, and their mouths contained deadly germs that would infect any wound, causing thirst, hallucinations and a swift death. They could eat plants, meat, fish and insects, and inhabited the rivers,seas and caves.
But the times changed and others arose to take their place at the top.First the dragons. Generally, the dragons left them alone unless they tried to eat their eggs or tresspassed in their caves. Wrappers, aligators and crocodiles were better at catching prey then them. Elves and humans, dwarves and orcs, hunted them down, killing them out of fear, rage, to clear the way for towns and villages, or as trophies or for their skins. New diseases and Ice Ages devastated the survivors.Here and there individual Sandkoi got their own back on their tormentors, but most were exterminated by one threat or another.
A few have survived to this day, on faraway islands, in large cages in zoos, or as half-tame pets of the nobles,
but their great days of glory when they dominated the whole world are over.
Additional Information
Their spit can be used to make a powerful poison but great care should be taken in harvasting it.
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? Responses (6)
prehistoric sand sharks with a very nasty bite. This is a solid expansion on the information given in some other posts like Deathgold island, but it feels like it is lacking somehow.
Perhaps if more details were offered to their reproductive cycle, possible uses and influences in magic/alchemy or some sort of cultural influence.
Interesting, like Scras said... more detail and I would have fallen all over this. As it is it is a very solid idea for a predator and why they are the way they are.
I like their evolution, or I guess devolution from the top of the charts to their present existence.
Also, I'd like to know what a Wrapper is.
I like the ability to walk on quicksand.
Solid average monster type submission. It does not have to be a tied part of Acqua, just another monster. :)
This sounds like a cross between a frog, an alligator and a platypus.