A magical ring created by a brilliant mage that was supposed to make him even More brilliant. However, a vengeful ex-apprentice reversed the magical effect one night, and now whoever puts the ring on beacomes incredibly stupid! Unfourtunatly, our mage freind never discovered this... One day he slipped the ring on, and *POOF* no more brains. Well, he still had his brains, he just beacame so stupid he forgot how to use them. A person who puts this cursed ring on immeadiatly beacomes as smart as a cow; Eating, sleeping, breathing and making bizare noises beacome about things the wearer can do. If only they werent so stupid as to forget how to take off the ring...
Magical Properties:
cursed, you become incredibly stupid
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? Responses (5)
Did anyone ever think to take the ring off, or did the mage live alone?
This might be a warning for players to check out magic items before just casting them about, but any party should be able to take care of anyone putting this on.
That doesn't mean it doesn't have uses. It'd be a great way to subdue a person for capture. Leave the ring for them to find, or as bait for pick pockets, or even present it to them as a token of respect. They put it on, and you have instant passivness from tweedle dum.
Other possiblities exist...
Neat item for punishing criminals, assassins and rogue mages. Their sentence could be a preset amount of time wearing the ring, though I can see the local law 'forgetting' to take the ring off of the fingers of convicts when their time is up.
Badly presented-but a good basic idea.It could be used to force unwilling women (or men) into marridge, in culutres where divorce is not permitted.Great for making sure the wedding is not messed up.
Hmm, a bride as dumb as a cow during a wedding could be rather disruptive, as only eating, sleeping and other things would occupy her mind. Might make a rather memorable wedding.
Hmm, being a little generous with a 2.5, but not quite as bad as a 2.0.
This one could easily be salvaged with just a little work. Spell check, a little more detail would easily push this into the 3 range.