Rainbow Snails
Both beautiful and delicious, these highly sought creatures are almost extinct in some areas.
Full Description
A cave dwelling crustacean that is extremely sensitive certain waves of light because it almost solely uses its eyes to find the small bits of mold that it uses to eat. The mold reflects a certain wavelength color that the crustacean can see. Bad thing is it needs light to see the mold, but the requirement for seeing the mold is having sensitive eyes.
To protect its eyes from the main force of light it has created a super reflective shell that reflects all the light away from its eyes keeping it from being in direct light. At the same time as saving its sensitive eyes, the shell also splits the light waves into a rainbow and spreads it out in front of it so that the specific wavelength light that reflects off the mold is concentrated.
The snail-like creatures can grow up to a foot long by 3/4 foot high but are very rare.
Additional Information
The shell is a favorite among royalty for its rainbow creating ability.
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? Responses (8)
Much as I tend to be reserved about stealing stuff from people, this is quite good for adding background to a world.
I'm not sure about all of the science, but it's an original idea. We've all heard about how body covering is used by animals to control heat intake/release (polar bears, etc.), but this takes that concept a big step further!
It must be poached quite a lot.
I would vote higher, but the submission is so short, I wanted more. The shell could be used in illusion spells, and the snail itself could be served as foot long escargot. Get the Garlic!
a foot long escargot would be SOOOO tough to chew, that in essence it would taste exactly like a rubber tire. Get MORE garlic!
nice, short, and sweet. Though like Scras, I think it could use some more quirky tid bits.
Agree with the others, otherwise neat!
anything that starts off with 'beautiful AND delicious'...
Short and sweet