Pu-Da are called Clubs in the rest of the world. Among the Ankorillian weaponry are different types of clubs for use in close combat.
Full Item Description
Among the Ankorillian weaponry are different types of clubs for use in close combat. Those made entirely of wood are either smooth or rough headed.
Also used are Newa with stone heads attached to wooden handles. They are short, from 9 to 18 inches long, except for one made of whalebone which is 19.5 inches in length and rather heavy.
Ankorillians heavy clubs were favored. This is because ease of wielding and faster speed of use, in hand to hand fighting, were determining factors. The exception to this, however, was the club used by the public executioner, which was much longer and very heavy (also of whalebone).
People have been hitting people with large things since the begining. These are clubs adapted from the environment.
Magic/Cursed Properties
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? Responses (3)
Simple but good.A solid idea.
I understand this is part of a world you're making... but as a stand alone it is somewhat weak. It's a good description and all, it's just... well.. it's a club. :)