Psychotronic Programming and Intimation

Also known as PPI or Brain Pumping.


Pioneered by the MetaCortex Technologies Corp (MCT), Psychotronic Programming and Intimation is a procedure to accelerate and homogenous the training process of MCT security and cyber-security operatives. There were a number of set-backs, but the program was ultimately successful.

The Procedure:

Psychotronic Programming and Intimation is based around the same time dilation and direct brain access employed by similar technologies as the Inemuri salons, or the dream tank collectives. The agent to be 'upgraded' is hooked into a computer and they are subjected to a rigorous training procedure. This training is intensive both in terms of what is taught as well as how it is imprinted into the brain. Rather than topical level imprinting, or skillsofting, the skills are programmed deeper into the brain where the new skill sets are wired functionally into the muscle memory centers of the nervous system.


The major and obvious benefit of PPI is to instill in new agents the skills, intuition, and reflexes of seasoned agents without the corresponding decades of experience required for it.

Commando PPI - the commando PPI is based around the specific skillset of military commandos, and includes advanced hand to hand combat (variable styles available) handling a variety of firearms, and melee weapons.

Agent PPI - the agent PPI is designed for special ops and intelligence officers and contains multiple languages (extra cost, longer procedure) social skill packages for interrogation, resisting interrogation, infiltrating social groups, improvised weapon use, hand to hand fighting, firearms usage, and other classified skills tied to the intelligence community.


There are two main drawbacks to psychotronic programmings, the required brain trauma, and uniform training. The first is the more common concern as the intensive nature of the programming deliberately burns itself into the brain. This removes whatever information was stored in the affected portions of the brain, and can cause some emotional issues. This is reflected by a reduction in the sanity score, as well as instances of fragmented memories, disorientation, and other symptoms of brain damage. This can be problematic as psychotronic programmed operatives and soldiers are less resilient and resistant to effects of exposure to dimensional fatigue events. So called psycho-troopers are incredible soldiers, unless a cosmic horror cracks what's left of their sanity, leaving them vulnerable to fugue states, omnicidal urges, or possession. The second factor is that of the training itself. The training programs themselves can be known factors, and a counter-operative who knows the psychotronic programming of their opponent is going to win more often than not, even in asymmetrical situations.


The Psychotronic Training Initiative, also known as Project Acolyte, was pioneered by MetaCortex Industries. There was a demand for highly skilled soldiers and operatives, but there was a lowball pricetag on the demand as well. Supersoldiers, high end combat robots, power armor troopers, and psi-ops were available, but all of these units carried high price tags, and the potential of losing one in the field was a greater risk than not using them. Soldiers were needed, and they needed to be as expendable as they were capable.

Project Acolyte examined using programmed behaviors to translate into actual skills. Attempts were made to have a mass-producable brain implant designed, but surgery and recovery added to the cost in projection. It was discovered quite by accident that skill trees and muscle memory could be burned into the brain of a subject. There were side-effects, but these were considered acceptable, and further refinements of the technology reduced these effects. First gen psychotronic trainees had the desired combat skills, but were socially lobotomized, and had serious PTSD like issues. By the time of the official release of the training regimens, these effects had been reduced to social reluctance.

Psychotronic Trainees have their non-appearance based social skills reduced by a minor level, representing the sometimes slow nature of non-combat reaction times. After the intensive training, most life experiences are seemingly dull or disinteresting, leaving many psychotronic trainees struggling to find something of interest in life outside of their new hardwired skillset.


Psychotronic Programming is disturbingly common in the federal and national level militaries, but this treatment is typically reserved for clones, rehabilitated criminals, and career driven military personnel.


It is very common for people who undergo the training to eventually resent it, as well as the people who did it to them. To be honest, most of the recruitment operations either omit or downplay the potential for brain and memory trauma as well as the alienation and mental instability that can come with the experience. This has created a fair number of highly skilled, emotionally disenfranchised, anti-social people with a grudge against the governments and corporations that created them. This is one of the biggest non-propaganda reasons that former military personnel join organizations like Amerikka Command, or any of the wastelander tribes along the Silk Road.

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? Responses (1)

Goto Author

Solid article for a solid concept in fiction. I like that you mention two significant drawbacks and suggest a means for exploiting them.