These potions are found in any variety of containers and come in a number of colors, but all are strawberry kiwi flavored. They have a consistency similar to juice with no pulp.

An anarchist feared the peacful comunication between the elite would lead to the overwhelming presence of laws that would crush any expression of individual freedom. He gathered his contraband materials and resources and formulated a solution. If the elite could not communicate, they could not work together, and a healthy level of freedom would remain.

Selling a true formula to a royal alchemist for cheap let his name be known to the elite, and he soon became the main supplier of many lands. He sat in his small estate one day, reviling the fact he had been forced into becoming one of the higher classes removed from the populace to find a vector for his solution. He burned all his business notes and scattered the formula for Mis understanding languages on his grounds, then set the fire to burn his estate down and hung himself.

The gaurd was called to contain the fire, but the mansion and it's former alchemist were a loss. The notes to his potion that would be his legacy were found and given to his succesor, and the anarchist's plan was set in motion.

Magical Properties:

The potions will be able to be identified as a potion of understanding languages by any means normal.

When the potion if consumed, the character can now understand the various languages being spoken and communicate back to the speakers in a manner that they hear as there own language, but with a small extra bit added on.

The true nature of the potions curse is that it makes the character useing it speak an odd phrase at the end of the sentence, and furthermore, the character doesn't even hear or realize they said anything at all. Instead of the period at the end of the sentence simlpy ending the sentence, it triggers a kind of 'disfunction' in the players mind to make him say something odd, but not realize.

Examples include ',as the prohesey had fortold.'; ', and I truely mean that.'; ', with butter.'; ', and the corpses will be consumed.' The phrases are wide and varied, and different potions have been known to produce only one phrase, or sometimes several.

Sample exchange:

Emporer: 'Greetings Ambassodor from our neighboring land! How was your journey?'

Ambassador: 'Realitivly uneventful, untill the driver let me handle the animals, with butter.'

*Pregnant pause*

Emporer: 'Really now? And you had handled the animals like that before? I mean, do you some history in handling animals in such a manner?'

Ambassador: 'But of course! I have a respectable stable at my home, where I treat all my animals as if they were part of my family, as the prohesey had fortold.'

*Another pregnant pause*

Emporer: 'Is such an attitude common among the court these days?'

Ambassador: 'We have strong feelings of familiy and comunity in my homeland, and I truely mean that. Any man who did not respect his family would be look upon badly, and the corpses would be consumed.'

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