General Planetology

Kerren is the common/ colonial name for Kerros IV. Kerros is a G3 star in Sector 460. It is a Early Series System off the Bael Line.

It is roughly .98 Planetary Diameters, with .97g. It has a biomatic atmosphere (A little smaller than earth, with a fairly normal atmosphere).

Kerren is a very young planet as habitable planets go. Only recently, geologically speaking has its Pangea, its first land, broken up into several smaller tetanic plates forming three continents. This shifting has created a huge number of high mountain ridges with accompanying valleys. These mountains are notably sharper than any Terran Mountain, even the Canadian Rockies.

Volcanic activity is fairly common on Kerren, as is fitting for a younger planet. The occasional venting is keeping the O2 level down to prevent firestorms prevalent in early biospheres. The planetary temperature is fairly warm as a result of vented heat and atmospheric conditions. The medium temperatures for Kerren are about 7F or 5C greater than Earth's at the same latitude and altitude (use spring and autumn to calculate temperatures).

Kerren has a 8 degree tilt. That is a short tilt, less than one third of Terra's. Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall all look pretty much alike. There is just enough tilt to generate some interesting weather. Given the weaker electrosphere, there is more ionization producing greater electrical activity in the atmosphere.

The three continents are fairly closed together, not having enough geologic time to disperse. Each continent will have several 'folds' or sub plates moving at slightly slower plates. This should give each continent three to four ridge lines/ mountain ranges. The plates have not subducted, but have compressed and pushed up, creating the notable mountains and deep valleys.

Kerros IV has a hydrographic percentage of 68, slightly less that Terra's 71%. The Ocean is a huge affair with immense storms and winds. The Greater Seas between the continents are still fairly fierce, with strong winds and storms generated. The Finger Seas and the Webbing Sea are milder still. Sea generated winds whip across the continents, channeled through valleys. In most places there is always a gentle breeze.

Kerren Map

There will be an actual map someday. ... until then...

The Main Continent (both the name and the descriptor) looks a great deal like a right hand print with its thumb. Its land mass is 84,431.583 km² (36,220,545 mi²)- a bit larger than Terra's Africa, Europe, and Asia. The equator runs through the center of the palm. The thumb is called The Point, the home of the Pointers, is twice the landmass of Europe. The finger tips are deep ford like cuts, creating the Finger Seas.

One would think The Palm would be a broad flat plane. The reality is a number of mountain clusters (ranges against ranges). There are six high plains in the palm of a good size.

The Southern Continent 8,286,850 km² (3,767,250 mi² abit larger than Australia and about the same shape) is large, broad, and fairly flat. It is south and east of the Main Continent. It was etched by the last Ice Age with huge rocky buttes and channel valleys. The Northern Coast is considered Idyllic, with a warm climate, minimal weather, lush growths, and beautiful beaches.

The Western Continent 7,686,850 km² (2,967,909 mi² about the size of Australia - rugby ball shaped) is a cluster of high plains, rocky ridges, and a number of rivers. If turned and moved, it would fit into the 'webbing' of the Main Continent (between the thumb/ point and the palm).

There is a trail of volcanic islands and a cluster of non volcanic islands between The Hand (Main Continent) and the Western Continent. Most of these have tiny outposts with little more than Marking Towers.

If there is a Map, there will be very few places marked there. FirstDown, PrimeWarren, Sitebee, Sitecee, Twin Pole, and a few others, much the same way a world map might have New York, Paris, London, Tokoyo, Peiking, marked. A few main Marker Lines might be listed as well. The various Wards can be distributed in the regions as a GM sees fit for their campaign.

Living Here, Geographically speaking

What does this mean to you?

It means that the average Kerren lives on a mountain side with a valley below them. The tempertures is comfotable most of the time. Most of these valleys have a river of some depth between them. It is usually fairly windy. Clouds and Storms are fairly common, more so in the summer months. Thunder and Lightning Storms are unfortunately common, creating warp weak points for Zhan. There are occasional period of cold if there is notable volcanic activity somewhere on the world, but normally it is quite comfortable here.

The Scoll
the Scroll Portions will start with expanded general info and function as a table of contents for locations.

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The Main Continent

The Main Continent (both the name and the descriptor) looks a great deal like a right hand print with its thumb. Its land mass is 84,431.583 km² (36,220,545 mi²)- a bit larger than Terra's Africa, Europe, and Asia. The equator runs through the center of the palm. The thumb is called The Point, the home of the Pointers, is twice the landmass of Europe. The finger tips are deep ford like cuts, creating the Finger Seas.

One would think The Palm would be a broad flat plane. The reality is a number of mountain clusters (ranges against ranges). There are six high plains in the palm of a good size.

Locations here:



City Image - Twin Pole

Southern Continent

The Southern Continent 8,286,850 km² (3,767,250 mi² abit larger than Australia and about the same size) is large, broad, and fairly flat. It is south and east of the Main Continent. It was etched by the last Ice Age with huge rocky buttes and channel valleys. The Northern Coast is considered Idyllic, with a warm climate, minimal weather, lush growths, and beautiful beaches.

Specific Locations

Western Continent and The Isles

The Western Continent 7,686,850 km² (2,967,909 mi² about the size of Australia - rugby ball shaped) is a cluster of high plains, rocky ridges, and a number of rivers. If turned and moved, it would fit into the 'webbing' of the Main Continent (between the thumb/ point and the palm).

There is a trail of volcanic islands and a cluster of non volcanic islands between The Hand (Main Continent) and the Western Continent. Most of these have tiny outposts with little more than Marking Towers.

Specific Locations

General Kerren Locations/ Examples

City Image - BlueFord

City Image - BroadMound

City Image - Twin Pole

General Zones/ Locations

Hexagon Plaza - A Kerren Neighborhood

Villages and Others