Ottoman Nobility Ranking
A simplified explanation of the nobility of the Ottoman Empire.
Sipahi - Turkish term for elite cavalry granted a fief of land from the padishah in exchange for military service.
Effendi - A Turkish term meaning "lord" or "master" used to indicate a gentleman of rank. Roughly equivalent to a European knight.
Agha - Turkish term for "chief" or "elder brother," is a title for a court or military officer.
Derebey - Turkish term for "valley lord," this title applies to nobles who rule provincial territories.
Bey - Turkish for "chieftain," this title applies to nobles equivalent in rank to a European duke.
Dey - Governors of semi-autonomous fiefs within the Ottoman Empire.
Pasha - A Turkish term which equates to general or governor.
Beylerbey - Turkish for "Bey of Beys", meaning "Commander of Commanders" or "Lord of Lords"; the term is applied to the highest rank of provincial governor-generals.
Atabeg - A Turkish term for a governor charged with raising a crown prince.
Vizier - A Persian-derived term for a high adviser.
Khedive - A Persian-derived term meaning 'prince,' this term actually applies to high nobility.
Shah - Persian-derived term for King.
Padishah - Persian-derived term equatable to emperor.
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? Responses (4)
A fairly straight forward set. Unless you are into the historicals, you will never use this one directly. However, it does serve as an example and inspiration for social ranking system.
Disagree with the historical comment. To use a specific example, the Greyhawk(TM)? setting uses these titles for many of the foreign leaders.
That said, I think this one could have been combined with others to make a better scroll then an array of short subs - my opinion of course.
Perhaps organized by broad region - Middle East, Asia, etc.
What Val said, an Asian Ranks Codex would have garnered a better vote and perhaps more interest than a tsunami of ranking subs.