Southers, those in the Southern Territories, are thought to be vastly more devout to the Faith than everyone else. If nothing else, they are more serious about their faith.

As the King brought together the council of knights and a central government for The Lands, many knights and lords of the Southern Territories, came to the cold north, to the King's Seat. They found themselves at a disadvantage at court, being less political, seen as provincal (which is generally true), and followers of a more archaic version of the Chivalric code.

The Order started as a social group, as Knights, Lords, and their attendent families, were constantly meeting each other at temple prayers (which only the monks were observing until they came). A few more savy members utilized the 'southern familiarity' as a political weapon, knowing that they could get their Souther friends to vote their way in the council. After a decade or so of the Southern Temple block holding exceptional power in council, there was a request for a New Order to be added to the rolls.

The Order takes in Souther Knights who show the proper adherence to The Old Code, Exhibition of Piety, and were born properly in the Southern Territories. These unfailing polite and chivalric knights have become quite popular with the populace.

However, there are issues comming. The Order, in general, is quite dismayed at the weakness and secularity of the remaining Knights of the realm. The Order is also against all the new reforms and compliances that the rest of The Land sees as necissary and socially proper. They do not like all the magic of the North as well. There will come a day that the Order of the Southern Temples will revolt against all this 'moderness'. If they do not secede from The Land, they will have to strike against The King and install their own.

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