“ Urbants-Creatures that move quickly around on their massive arms, and their 'legs' dangle about from their torso, at about elbow length. They can move fairly quickly, but not as fast as an obese human, and can 'jump' fairly high. Their 'legs' are very powerful, and can kill with one blow. The bad thing is, Urbants cannot block attacks at their heads, which have relatively no neck, from the length of their legs being so short.”
“ In a savage area, the bodies of the dead are cremated, and their ashes are placed in a hollowed out pod like a gourd or a coconout and tossed into a river to bring good luck to the tribe.”
“ The more you dominate your life to a god or goddess, the more you gain magical powers from him or her, but the big stuff does not come easily. Most worshippers have only the weakest of spells.”