If you travel through the city's main gate, travel down the grand ArchStreet, travel across the DiPlaza (walking around The Hall) and travel in approximately a straight line, you will reach the gate leading to NorthWard.

You will have traveled some of the great and grandest elements of Antioch. Then you will enter the most common and humble. The NorthWard is classic Antioch. It serves as the 'average' that all other quarters are measured by.

It defines the 'Way' of Antioch. The buildings are Neo-Tudor town homes; white stucco with some half-timbering, high-pitched slate roofs, asymmetrical configurations, enclosed entryways, an ornamented chimneys. They are all two stories tall, with shops and workshops selling goods on the lower level, families with apprentices and journeymen living above. A few lots are green and have common wells (not that Antioch water is fit to drink). The roads are a smoothed cobblestone, similar in appearance to the Imperial roads. There are normally sidewalks made of a weak local concrete. Their size and condition often explains the commonness of taxis in the city.

The exception to the Shop/Home configuration is the Antioch Inns, which seem to be everywhere in the ward. There the owners often live in the house next door. Every business and home has a place for accidental guests to stay. The Streets of Antioch are magical at night, and not in a good way. The StarStone that originally borough people to the Antioch Biome still impregnates the soil here. Tiny crystals of magic are part of life here. At night, upon occasion, an elemental, a spirit of magic, appears. They wander the streets. Normally they just pass through and fade away one bell later. Occasionally damage things in their passing; even more rarely someone is directly harmed. To listen to the natives, it happens every night on every street where walking home from the Inn on the corner can be a harrowing experience. But in reality, it is a uncommon occurence. But the natives consider it an unlucky sign, so they avoid travelling the streets at night when they can.

There is only two other ways in and out of NorthWard. One leads to the Crafter Ward. The other leads to the DiPlaza.

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