Necrosia Animensis
'Since the vile Plante's Deceased Hoste is not technically a Part of its Anatomy, any attemptes to Kill the Monster using regular methods is likely to prove Futile, especially that of Beheading the Creature. It seems to regarde its Head as a most Unnecessary part of its Composition, and thus as it moves its Head exhibits a frightening lacke of Expression, and lolls in a way most Unpleasant to observe.'
Of the Necrosia Animensis, by Solomon Haelbergh
'A foul thing to beholde, the Necrosia Animensis (Dead Man's Seede in vulgar) is like to a great budding Plante, which bears numerous and singularly repulsive Tendrils, each extending a near seven handspans and each adorned with various clinging Spines which allow the necrosia a steady graspe upon its Prey. The Bulbe of the Plante is like to that of an enormous Onion, yet bearing upon it many Pustulent Boils like to those borne by Plague-ridden Vermin. Yet the singular most Repulsive aspecte of this Plante lies not with its outward Appearance, nor yet its terrible Stench, like to that of molde and Witches' foul herbes. This Vegetable seems to exude an intangible Aura of Fear, Loathing, and Nausea, such that even were a Gentleman within sufficient distance of the Plante yet unable to see nor smell it, still would it work its vile Charms upon the minde, forcing those near to severe Discomforte and Mental Anguish.
'Yet more repulsive than the Plante's aspects of Physical and Psychological nature is the manner by which it subsists, not upon the minerals in Soil that wholesome Vegetation so cherishes, but instead upon the discarded Bodily Manifestations of those that have Departed this Plane of Existence. With utter disrespect for the Healthe of the Spirit that has so recently evacuated the Body, this heinous Plante will spread its Seede within the Hearte of the newly Deceased and there spring to Budding and Full Growthe ... whilst Expanding within its Repulsive Neste, a bizarre Phenomenon will manifest itself, as the Deceased Corpse will begin to exhibit a Heartbeat, despite a compleat lack of the necessary Spirit for such an Operation ... As the Plante springs to Maturity, its tendrils curl around the Hearte, forcing its Chambers open and shut in a twisted Mockery of honest Living Entities ... The vile thing exudes a sort of Sap, which appears to function very much like the Bloode which courses in honest Men's veins, and is forcefully Injected into the Deceased's arteries, dissolving the dried Bloode which once made use of those very Passages for the Nourishment of a Living Being ... Within days, the Plante has gained enough Control over its Hoste so as to Animate it, as is exhibited in Twitches and Jerks of dead Muscles ... After a week, the Plante is freely able to move its Hoste as it pleases ...
'Yet this gruesome Animation is filled with an utter Lack of Human qualities, as the Monstrocity does not walk Upright as a Man, nor displays any of the Four Characteristics of Humanity as set down by Maensen: neither Beauty, Logic, Emotion, nor Vigor is present in its Being, as it simply shambles, barely standing, in search of Prey, which it falls upon and Murders, afterwards implanting its own hideous Strain within its victim in a repulsive manner like to that of Impregnation. It is for this reason that I greatly advise Against the keeping, breeding or further study of this most Awful Abomination, especially in the presence of Ladies and Womenfolk of a Sensitive nature.
'Since the vile Plante's Deceased Hoste is not technically a Part of its Anatomy, any attemptes to Kill the Monster using regular methods is likely to prove Futile, especially that of Beheading the Creature. It seems to regarde its Head as a most Unnecessary part of its Composition, and thus as it moves its Head exhibits a frightening lacke of Expression, and lolls in a way most Unpleasant to observe.
'... I can but pray to Our Champion's Holy Spirit that my exposure to such a Vile Thing has not tainted my Soul for Departure, as many Witch-practices are known to do. Despite this Creature showing no signs of Enchantments of any Dark or Unnatural persuasion, still I feel an unpleasant similarity between this repulsive Vegetable and the varied methods used in the heretical Animation of the the Dead by the accursed Witches and Warlocks whose Kind would do better to be Expunged from our Good Earthe.'
-Exerpt from Solomon Haelbergh's Anthology of Natural Phenomena , Guildhall Presses, Long Ford, 1879.
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? Responses (6)

It's the veggie zombie!!! Run for your lives.

I really like this-a plant that animates a body.Certain graveyards could be infested with these. 5/5

ooh, I like this one! And I love the presentation. It can double as a PC hand-out!

Very well done indeed!

Wow, this is... this is great! I find the style easy enough to read, and the idea is fantastic. I could easily see using this thing, the party thinking that it's just another ho-hum zombie clearout. But wait! Beheading does nothing? Flee!!!
Anyways, I quite like this one. Good job.