“ A revolt or attack happens against a strong city/kingdom. All the losers of the battle that can be captured are brutally crucified along the roads that enter the kingdom to show their strength and as a demonstration of what happens to their enemies. ... a long road, decorated with hundreds of dying crucified soldiers... You see them bleeding, you hear them screaming and whispering for help. Do you really want to enter this reportedly peaceful kingdom?”
“ L1 wizard spell
This spell must be cast for 31 consecutive days by one wizard to create a +1 sword,-2 to anyone else holding it(other than sword owner).No special ingredients or quality of blade, the only requirement on this part is it must be a short sword or longer and must be a true sword. The sword must draw blood from a living creature of at least 1-1 hit die every day and The blade is -1 until the 31st casting, when it becomes fully and permanently enchanted .Variants that enchant other weapons could be possible.”
“ In Azur, the streets are crowded, and the PCs' poor grasp of Azuran makes it hard for them to find out why. Still, they shoulder their way through the crowds, trying to get to the house of the renowned wizard they seek, when suddenly they realise they are standing very much alone. The crowds have ceased their talking and their gazes are fixed on the PCs. The imperiously clothed man standing before them smiles and speaks in Azuran: 'Ah! Volunteers! And so eager too!'”