Special Equipment:

Nothing special, just a courtly noble's kit and a servicable family sword of some antiquity.


He is a small rabbit of a man. His demeanor is that of a nervous scholar who has had one too many mugs of Klah (Caffinated beverage). He seems uncomfortable carrying a weapon, but his station requires him to do so.

His hair is dark. His skin is fair. His eyes are an unassuming brown. He is quite thin and a touch short. His hands are small, but his nose is large for his face. He wears courtly clothing of good quality, but nothing overly expensive. The clothes are often stained, as he keeps knocking things over or bumping into people drinking. He appears to be just another courtier, admitedly a clumsy one.


Simonous comes from Good Stock. His is a long and noble line, though most of his family's credits are many generations past. He is the second son of the Duke of Colmous, who took over the Dukely duties at court, when his brother was struck with a strange illness.

Simonous wished he could of gone to seminary or university instead of court, but noble duty and all that. (Though in hindsight, many of the court wished he had too). Simonous came to court equipped with his family sword, his good name, his strong sense of what was right and good, and a rapier wit that he can't always curb.

It is his wit that keeps getting him in trouble. His keen intelligence would make him a formitable courtier, but his strong sense of right and wrong interferes with his political skills. His wit makes him fashionably daring, but he can never seem to stop before someone takes actionable offense.

If that was not enough, if he is excited, he never watches where he is going or pays attention to the world around him. He is forever bumping into people or knocking over drinks, or slipping on the floor.

He should of been a priest. It only took him four hours before he stumbled (literally) into his first duel.

There a marvelous thing occured. He survived. He had some basics of swordsmanship... every noble does. But he was not skilled by any strech of a bard's tongue. He spent the entire duel appologizing to the Sir, but he was jumping about (avoiding thrusts), picking up his dropped weapon (dodging a trust), and bumbling about in a very warrior like way. In fact, the final strike seemed almost accidental (it was according to Simonous).

The first duel seemed a fluke. After the fourth or so, people began to talk. Nobody seems to believe it, but people are talking.

Since he seldom pays attention to where he is going, he fequently gets lost. He keeps finding himself in the wrong place at the wrong time to overhear things or see things he really shouldn't of had. Despite himself, he keeps getting embroiled in intrigues. He has the Queen's ear, should he choose to bend it, after stopping a few plots.

Simonous is now at court with more status and enemies that he can handle, still trying to do the right thing for the people of the country. He genuinely wants to help the various peoples of the country, poor peasants, cityfolk, and nobles, that nobles should run the country for the betterment of the country... not their position in court or holdings worth.

Roleplaying Notes:

He is stumbling and bumbling his way to success. He is apparently a comedic character.

He believes in the phrase, 'Let Justice Be Done, though Heaven Falls.' Though he frequently adds the caveat, 'and I'm not hurt'.

Though he seems twitchy and nervous, he is effectively an excellent fencer. As a conventional fencer, he is a failure. He has the basics down, but is not very aggressive. In fact his fearful and kinetic demenor and his partial dodges and avoidances, effectively give him a drunken style that is very, very efficient. No classically trained swordsman seems to know how to handle him.

Think of him being played by a young Rodney McDowell.

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