Madness on the road
Once a year, the army rounds up the Mad and takes them to the City of Asylum. While you are travelling on the road, you encounter an army unit escorting 30 insane people dressed in tattered clothes. Yet one might not be mad....
Once a year, the army travelles the country and rounds up the Mad. Those insane, once collected, are taken to the City of Asylum. (See Settings Entry) This annual event has developed a number of local names, The Tribute to the Mad, The Fools Army, The Crown's Folly.
While you are travelling on the road, you encounter an army unit escorting 30 insane people dressed in tattered clothes. Most are your garden variety fool, gibbering madwoman, and fool who thinks he is a noble. They are gathered in caged carts and treated a little better than animals.
One or more of the party recognize one of the so called 'mad'. It is a noble that they have had previous dealing. While he is not acting perfectly normal, he is not a madman. Is he insane, or a political prisoner under the influence of drugs being carted off to Asylum?
They are three days from reaching the Gate of Madness. What do you do?
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? Responses (5)
The person they recognize does not need to be a noble, or a person they have been dealing with already. He/She might just as well be able to make it obvious He/She is not mad or deranged at all.
Or from a different perspective, maybe the PC's need to do something in the asylum and therefor need to be captured by the patrol as getting into the asylum is obviously restricted as well.
Getting out again might of course prove quite a serious challenge again.
Given an update.
I like the idea.
A conga-line of chained lunatics headed to their final home...
A stub really, though stubs weren't available at the time, I know. But a very nice visual and road-side encounter, which I've used in games with some success.
Ah a piece from a different time.
What if the PCs saw a rich nobleman...who was everyone agrees, a little insane, but very rich....and a nice pauper who was as even as steven but with pockets like a kiddee pool. Who would your PC's save if they could only save one.