Human/ Male/ 20

Jefficus is like a scaled back version of Jessius. He is merely a good looking young man, with good features, brown eyes, fair skin, brown hair. He is athletic in build. He is often acting goofy.

His and Jessius's father are friends. The two of them have been playmates and friends since they were small. As Jessius was the popular one, some of that popularity has rubbed off. If Jessius is not around, Jefficus becomes the leader. Unlike Jessius, Jefficus only has the role of 'leader' for those in his age range. He does not speak for the older young men or kids.

Jefficus works with Jessius. The two are practically attached at the hip.

Special Equipment
None. Well maybe he has a weapon that he found a while back, a swords of some age.

Roleplaying Notes
You must read the other linked submissions for this one to make as much sense as it does.

Make sure to adapt Jefficus to Jessius's situation if you change things. The setting is independent, as these characters are a situation to insert into an area. Keep in mind that this is the character that makes the situation interesting.

He is often clownish. He keeps things light.This contrasts with the seriousness that Jessius projects.

He loves Jessius. They are best friends. He does not mind be his sidekick and always in his shadow. It is a big shadow to fill.

He secretly loves Amya. He had tried to court her a while back, but she was not that interested (or did not undersand his intent). Now that she and Jessius are together, it gnaws at him.

He may do something bad. And of course, it will be at the wrong time.

This is a scaled down version of Camelot with less music. It can only lead to trouble eventually.

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