What if Equestria was in the DungeonVerse???

The Laurinorn Palustar

The Laurinorn Palustar is a unique find in the history of Cridhedun and is found in the Tir an Fashach region of the supercontinent. The library was found grown over and completely enclosed in the bole of one of the largest trees ever found in the region, a golden oak that according to record, was over a league tall, and a furlong in width. The tree was of incredibly advanced age and was broken by a storm that could best be described as a blood feud between the crags of Stormfort and the Green. The library itself was exposed as the trunk shattered, and it is likely the hollow space it occupied was the main reason for the breaking of the great tree. A number of books, scrolls, and mortal remains were recovered from Laurinorn which created more confusion and questions than they could ever shed on the story they revealed.

The Dagor Nethelinda

The Dagor Nethelinda is written in an incredibly primitive version of Bethiglir, the proto-tongue of Elves, and has cognates and structures similar to the Ebo linguistic system used by magically sentient animals, plants, and animistic spirits. The scroll records a battle between two sisters of seemingly enormous magical power, claiming that the sun was CREATED by the elder sister, Aranel Menelwe and that it is Can'Anar, the Lamp of the Heavens and the Everstar. The elder sister is described as being at least twice the height and three times the mass of a regular *eretildo, aewolombo, or olombar*, though there is no real idea what these are in reference to. It is assumed that these represent three castes within the society that penned the Dagor Nethelinda, with the Eretildo being a magic-using leadership caste, the Aewolombo being a martial warrior caste, and the Olombar being the caste of workers, peasants, and farmers.

Important Locations:

Osolombas - naught is known of Osolombas other than scattered descriptions in the Dagor Nethelinda. It is referenced in such a manner that the authors assumed that the permanence of the city and castle were so absolute that there was no need to go into greater detail. It is recorded that the main keep was massive, growing out of the side of Rochtagol, assumed to be one of the mountains in the center of Cridhedun. The terrain there is daunting, and it is entirely possible entire kingdoms could rise, war, and fall, within those crags and vales without ever noticing or bothering the outside world. It is generally assumed that Osolombas is in the northern fringe of Tir an Fashach, and those mountains are daunting and poorly explored. A great alabaster and purple castle capped with golden domes could easily be lost there. The city surrounding the castle was noted for having purple clay that they used for making ceramic tiles for their homes, crockery, and cookware.

According to said record, the goddess who made the sun and usually lived there, made her terrestrial abode in Osolombas, and took residence in the castle. Frequently mentioned, Aranel Menelwe was a benign tyrant, being completely loved and served by all the folk of the Celestial Realm. 

Link to Solar Dungeon (Can'Anar)

Link to Lunar Dungeon (Calanique)

Luarinorn - the most is known of this location, since it was where the Dagor Nethelinda was found, as well as the actual ruins of the city. It was not a large city, and did not have a wall or any other defensive construction. The center of the settlement seems to have been the massive tree that housed the Laurinorn Palustar library. The Dagor Nethlinda makes regular references to Taras Indomea, functionally a palace for a princess or daughter of the Aranel Menelwe, there aren't many linguistic distinctions in the old tongues on such matters.

The most accepted theory of Taras Indomea is that it was another name for Laurinorn, and that it might have been some sort of treetop fortress, and having been made of wood, it had no chance of persisting after the end of the Osolom people. The Dagor Nethelinda spends most of its focus on Taras Indomea and the exploits of its unnamed princess, who seems to have been an adventuring warrior type with access to some potent magic. 

Cintomairopeleie - (ponyville)

Orvarhidas - (apple farmtown)

Ilyayerie - (The Everfree Forest)

Fanairin - (Cloudsdale, a part of Epoa)

Marilaltarnie - (Crystal Empire)

Important Mythology

Aranel Menelwe created the Solar Dungeon to bear the eternal flame through the heavens, keeping the Ur-Fire moving so that it doesn't linger in one place too long and burn the earth. Can'Anar, the Lamp of the Heavens, the Ever-Star. Menelwe keeps a great palace within Can'Alar, and visits Osolombas through the summer, accepting power at the Vernal Equinox, and surrendering it at the Autumnal Equinox.

Aranel Isilne created the Lunar Dungeon to hold as much Coldfire as she could bear, and like the Ur-Fire, keep it moving so that it didn't freeze the world. Calanique drifts as the cold light, the unconstant lover, the diffident moon. Urralore was born after the Nightmare War, where Aranel Isilne fought to defeat her elder sister and cast the entire realm into night, extinguishing Can'Anar and making her rule permanent.

Aira Ellaire, The Long Summer - after defeating Urralore, her once sister, the Mother of Nightmares was imprisoned within her own realm, Calanique. There, she would slumber no less than a thousand years, while Cridhedun would enjoy endless Summer, the Aira Ellaire. This was fine for a while, but the balance was off. Without Winter to cool, some creatures grew more potent and vile, reptiles, insects, and plants grew in astounding fury, and within a century threatened to destroy Equestria and all of the other domains of Cridhedun.

Before the end of the Aira Ellaire, Marilaltarnie would fall to the influence of Lichelight, and find new leadership in King Urvilisse. This would spark a generational war between Marilaltarnie and Osolombas that would end with Epic Level Magic being used (The Eye of the Dragon, the Asdas, or the Veridnith) to obliterate the Crystal Empire.

Notable Divinities

Taruccus Roquen - the Mino-Centaur and avatar of war and Death, just an absolute insecure jerk of a god (Lord Tirek, bull-headed Centaur)

Samalorie - madness, Dischord. The Golden Child of the Gods who grew bored with his duties and shirked them like an arrogant, horny, disruptive, teenager, a constant bane to Aranel Menelwe, lover to Aranel Isilne, and just the worst sort of bad uncle to Princess/Queen Undomita (twilight sparkle)

King Urvilisse - King Sombra, just a spicy dickhead, let the Crystal Kingdom fall to rise to godhead.

Queen Vistimmas - Queen Chyrsalsis, mother of doppelgangers and mimics, defeated and banished to Mimic Dungeon

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