Really not much detail available, however it is always nice to have yet another rank system to keep from seeing the same thing over and over again.

Sepoy (Private) - The term for an infantry private (the cavalry equivalent is Sowar).

Lance Naik (Lance Corporal) - In cavalry units the equivalent was Acting Lance Daffadar.

Naik (Corporal) - In cavalry units the equivalent is Lance Daffadar.

Havildar (Sergeant) - The cavalry equivalent is Daffadar.

Company Quartermaster Havildar (Company Quartermaster Sergeant) - Non-commissioned officer who acts as the company-level assistant to the Quartermaster.

Company Havildar Major (Company Sergeant Major) - The senior non-commissioned officer in a company.

Jemadar (Lieutenant) - Jemadars either commanded platoons or troops themselves or assisted their British commander. They also filled regimental positions such as Assistant Quartermaster (Jemadar Quartermaster) or Assistant Adjutant (Jemadar Adjutant). In cavalry or armored units the equivalent is a Naib Risaldar.

Subedar (Captain) - Subedars generally command companies. In cavalry or armored units the equivalent is a Risaldar.

Subedar Major (Major) - Subedar Majors generally assist the regimental commander. In the Cavalry, the equivalent rank is Risaldar-Major.

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