Greenflies-Aquatic parasitic wasps
The wasps are about the size of a finger, they are bright green with long hairy backlegs.
Full Description
The wasps are about the size of a finger, they are bright green with long hairy backlegs. They feed on other insect larvae and crustaceans. They are poor fliers and are usually found around the ponds, lakes and streams that are the larval habitats. When a larger animal drinks from their pond or swims in it they attach themselves to their skin to lay their eggs.
Usually in the belly region. Humans are easiest attacked due to their soft skin. The sting is painless and the wasp quickly inserts a poison which makes the victim sleep. Then the wasp lays her eggs.
Additional Information
When hatched the larvae feed exclusively on the internal organs of their host. The only cure is to put your feet in water, then the larvaes find their way down from the belly region. It seems the water attracts them in a way.
Then one can pop out the larvaes using a knife. If this is not done in the early stages of infection the larvaes will tunnel their way into the hosts organs and the host will die. The larvaes will continue feeding on the rotting flesh until they will transform to pupae. After a day or so the pupae will hatch and they will fly away to find a pond or lake.
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? Responses (8)
There is a real worm that is like this.
I have heard of flies laying eggs beneath the skin, but not of worms caving through internal organs. Are you sure Cheka?
Anyways: This insect is less a menace in a fantasy setting where access to clerical magic and wonderful potions can make this infection less lethal. This is a lucky thing for I'd hate to have to tell my players that 'Sorry: You got tiny larvae feeding on your liver and tunnelling through your body. As you do not know a cure you are DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! I think I'd let healing spells of some kind push them out of the wound.
Ghastly insects that can serve the GM well when he wants to freak the players out. I like them.
The real life worms don't cave through internal organs but they do like the water and once they get into it (the water eases the pain that the worm causes) they fill the water with baby worms.
Nice solid bug post. I like the twist of how they like water and so will leave a host to enter the water.
Nasty critter. Me likes! But me can't vote :(
Edit: Er, ran out of votes. Tomorrow!
There we go!
Blech. That's just really messed up. x.x