Full Description
To call the godkiss a butterfly would be to underscore it's beauty. Two, meter-long wings, shining with dark iridescence, extend out from the mid section of it's flat, tapering body. A small, furry, white sac lays beneath it's head, on it's wider end. It's rear slowly tapers off, then splits into a two 'feathered' tail. Two probosci extend from it, one wickedly curved, and directly above the other.
Of course, this is no proboscis, it is an Ovipositor (the organ used by some insects to deposit eggs into a host.) When they find sleeping or prone humans, they perch upon the nose and chin, and insert this organ into the host's forehead and through the skull. A local anesthetic eliminates any chance of pain, and also result's in a pleasant, tingle feeling as well as mild hallucinations for five to ten minutes.
The larvae, which hatch in roughly a week and a half, resemble, and act like tapeworms, swimming through the cranial fluid and attatching to the brainstem. After a few months, the larvae move upward, applying the same anesthetic used by their parent to the top of the head. In seconds, they simultaneously burst trough, creating a gory, if painless, mess. While many larvae die during this process, the lowest begin to from their dead siblings into temporary chrysali, which both shields the larvae and the host, allowing it time to heal. These later slump off to reveal the more permanent structures, the same chaotic black as an adult's wings.
The strangest part of this phenomena is that while the larvae are attatched to the brain stem, the stimulate a greater ability to generate (but not control) magic is greatly enhanced. Because of this, some mages train or the Godkisses to return to them, and them exclusively during the egg laying season.
Additional Information
The adults described above are only the females of the specie, the males being smaller, white (though still iridescent) and with only the actual proboscis.
The only known Godkiss related death, is when a mage forced multiple members of the specie to implant eggs at once, the top of his skull burst off irreparably, causing him to bleed to death after the chrysali hatched. This would later manifest itself in the term 'Never ask a god for a kiss,' meaning that one should avoid particularly seductive things/people, because they often result in unwanted and unseen consequences.
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? Responses (18)
*blinks* Wow, that's...quite typical of desert creatures: deadly yet beautiful at the same time. I like it, though it lacks that...Umph that would give it a 5/5.
beautiful, and yet absolutely vicious. I like the idea, and the thought of giant butterflies that want to lay eggs in your head? Brilliant!
I love the 'Never ask a god for a kiss' section - a cool little saying that fits into the story perfectly. However, I'm having trouble imagining how a larva can burst out of someone's head w/o killing them - could you explain?
By reading this I would assume the person dies from it?
After a few months, the larvae move upward, applying the same anesthetic used by their parent to the top of the head. In seconds, they simultaneously burst trough, creating a gory, if painless, mess.
but it was said that there was only one related death. How is that so? You owuld think that any creature, no matter how small they are, if they burst through your skull in a gory mess in any number you would most doubable death dealing.
Other than that, I like it. It is an interesting idea. I do not understand the short and brief instant where it speak sof generating magic by being attached to the brain stem. Does that mean they promote magic? Or inscrease it? Or what? Otherwise a nice lifeform, beautiful yet seeming deadly by the description.
Updated: Clarification on host's survival added
A foul but sometimes useful insect.
Splendid work.
Thats freakin excellent, lol, my kind of bug. Dont ask me why, I have an affinity for beneficial parasites
Bumpus Maximus..FEAR the Godkiss!!
Hmm, maybe I should start doing some expansion around here.
where are those New-Take Ettercaps? I loved them!
come back Roack! :)
Nice and tight idea
One of the subs that I would describe as 'short and sweet'. Like Spark, loved the 'never ask for a kiss from a god' bit
This a strange one. I would assume the host would need medical/clerical treatment for the exit wound, even if the creature avoided damaging the brain itself in its journey.