Full Description

The worst that the smaller sea urchins can do is severly puncture a foot or a hand, and that only if trodden upon or touched. But in these wave-carved caves and niches, safe from the worst of the Acquan weather, sit the Giant Urchins. Whilst their main food is plankton & algea, they are happy to feed on fish or on any unwelcome intruders to their domain.

Black or dark red in colour, they look like sea urchins, but they are of a far greater size, ranging from that of a beach ball to the size of a full-grown Giant Octopus. They would be a tasty meal for many of the Acquan monsters and the underwater races, were it not for their mighty spines. These are attached to tentacles and can dart out several feet to impale some luckless fish or would be attacker.

If left alone, they generally leave humans alone in return, unlike many of Acqua's larger sea monsters. There are rumours of truely collossal Urchins at the bottom of the sea but the only evidence is a forty-foot spine that was washed up on a Banhoesea beach during a violent storm.

Additional Information

Trying to get near these creatures with a sword or a short trident is near impossible, as it's like facing a phalanx of raised spears, and bows and most magical fireballs won't work. To kill one without injury requires a long pike or some strong magic. If broken off and placed into a hilt of some kind the spines can make good weapons, whilst the meat is good to eat.Wounds from this creature are likely to become infected and/or septic, so these should not be tangled with, or the PC's could end up sleeping with the fishes.

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