Full Description

The Giant Mussel looks like a normal mussel except for it's massive size, up to three feet high and six feet across. It's flesh is sweet, and if properly prepared by a doctor or anyone with proper medical knowledge can help the sick. And in a few great pearls can form, that range from the size of the fist of a baby human, to the size of a King's Royal Orb.

Most value these pearls for their size and rareity, but a skilled wizard or witch can use them to summon Elementials, spirits and the lesser Demons.And the most skilled of the witches and wizards can bind those that they summon into the pearls, that can then be stored and used as grenades in major battles, when they break from the pearl and slay those humans or Merpeople nearest to them. (If a pearl is used in a small skirmish, the chances are that the summoned being will not be cut down by those near it and will then turn on the summoner.

These Mussels only eat plankton and are harmless unless they feel attacked,in which case they lash out with their sticky *feet*, covering their attacker with glue which rapidly solidifies. A lone Mussel's foot is easy to dodge, but when one reacts the rest do, and a Mer-person or human who strays near the center of the Mussel bed can be glued down very quickly. If not cut free, he or she will remain stuck until,in the case of a human,drowning takes place, or in the case of a Merperson, he or she starves to death.

Some law courts amongst the Merpeople use a bed of these Mussels as a place of execution or long-term imprisonment. Without help from others it is impossible to get free once stuck down.Most of these Mussels are grown and tended by Merpeople to provide meat and pearls and to help to feed whole Mer-Cities, and they harvest from the edges of the bed to avoid the sticky 'feet'. A few grow on their own and there have been cases where unwary humans or lone Merpeople far from home have been trapped and have drowned or starved.

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