The first Genome Computers were created during a particularly vile Dimensional Fatigue Event in Antarctica. The Atlantic Federation's Applied Computational Sciences Center (APCOM) was heavily invested in researching the the potential of super cooled AISC mainframes and pioneering technology for producing computronium, celestial computers (Jupiter Brain, Matrioska Brain) and faster than light data transmission (ansible). The event caused a Shaddack Transfiguration, meshing human inhabitants of the research center with their lab and computer equipment. Shaddack Transfigurations are a far cry from cybernetics, it is a more vile and invasive instance where flesh and inorganic materials are blended together, often to the detriment of both. A number of victims 'survived' the incident. Were the event not classified, one Tom Shaddack, would be infamous.

Shaddack Transfiguration:

Shaddack Transfigurations are a disturbingly common form of mutation experienced during dimensional fatigue events. This most commonly is fatal, as the merger of machine components and living flesh isn't beneficial to the living. SCP organizations and reflex units keep preserved transfigurations for study and inoculation purposes. Being told about humans being swirled together with mechanical components is one thing, seeing the deformed bodies of a group of children sucked into a vending machine, and knowing that they survived for fifteen minutes, screaming and driven insane before death.


It was his head, eyes glassed open, mouth still pulled back in a deathly snarl. Tom died fighting the machine, but the machine won. There were all sorts of wires, and conduits running out of his neck, out of his nose, his ear, they were everywhere. His head looked like some sort of ghastly junction box. I thought that was the worst of it, until the computer started screaming and yelling at me. His eyes barely moved, but he was looking at me, his head was still somehow horribly alive.

Welcome, they keep me here. I am something of a museum exhibit now.

Feel free to ask me any questions you feel like, but let me cover the bases. No, I do not have a body. I tried surrogating an android body, but I hated it. It's like being given a lethal dose of Novocaine and then stumbling around numb, shaking. Don't take your physical body for granted.

I am connected to the cognet, and I have what is considered to be a full and healthy virtual life.

I was Thomas Tom Shaddack, formerly a resident of the Nuevo Lunaluz in North America.

I was involved with ATFED APCOM, I do apologize I was not a scientist or researcher there. I was janitorial staff. I am not allowed to speak about 'the event' other than my personal experience. I was working on my standard assigned rotation, when 'the event' happened. I attempted to reach a security zone, a bunker. I did not make it to the shelter. I cannot explain what happened in entirety.

There was a great deal of pain, and I was unable to become unconscious or even die.

I awoke fifteen hours thirty seven minutes later when a reflex team found my mortal remains. I was debriefed by the team psyche-ops and the information I was able to give them about APCOM and the layout of the research station allowed them to save many lives.

Technically including my own.


The Genome Computer retains memories and skills of the brain contained within. This isn't immortality or even life, as the computer barely passes the standard sentience tests, and has only the imprint of emotions associated with the former intelligence contained within it. The advantage of genome computers is it allows for the use of the skills and abilities of a deceased person without dealing with things like ego or emotions like ambition, anxiety, fear, and such.

Genome Computer Usage

Genome Computers remain rare, outside of hacker circles. The few legal genomes are owned and operated by either national governments or megacorps. These genomes are often held in think tanks, advisory roles, or form central command components of automated systems.

Drone Ship Captain: It isn't uncommon for large unmanned Federation spacecraft to have a Genome computer control system. This gives most of the advantages of a human mind controlling a system, while retaining the advantages of a computer, most notably unquestioning loyalty and high degree efficiency. These are seldom military vessels, but rather long range freighters, making runs from the deep solar system and back to Earth. A computer, even a good one, can get lost in logic loops, while a human crew would be prohibitively expensive.

Supplementary Avatar: Large structures like military bases, arcoplexes, multi-hub space stations, and megastructures are equipped with AISCs and L/AISCs to control the infrastructures. These high density residential structures can tax even the massive computing power of these machines, and some second generation control systems integrated experimental genome computers to assist in human relations.

The Dummy System: One of the biggest goals of ATFED military planners is removing humans from piloting mecha. The Tycho convention prohibits self propelled autonomous combat machines. The Dummy System was designed as a fail-safe to 'protect' the pilots of mecha who have been incapacitated. The official parameters have dummy systems controlling the mecha, including weapons and mobility, to ensure the safe return of an incapacitated pilot, even if that means fighting it's way through hostile lines to reach friendly forces. In practice, dummy systems typically engage in high power close combat with enemy forces, slaughtering their way through enemies until winning, or being destroyed.

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