Full Description
The poisonous Gartraps are the bane of the desert and semi desert. They are the same colour as the sand in which they hide and can change colour to blend with the background. Fully grown ones are the size of a bear trap, although there are myths of huge ones. A Gartrap looks rather like a heavily armoured toad, with four eyes instead of two, and huge jaws, that make up 40% of the body size. These are full of poison-filled fangs, slashing teeth, and molars, and a fully-grown Gartrap can bite off a dog's leg and break the ankle of a human, and the poison causes gangrene if untreated. They live along the banks of rivers and oasises.

They ambush creatures, hiding in the sand and snapping when a foot or a paw comes within snapping distance. They are slow creatures that use their armour for defense.Only a crushing-type weapon or a very sharp blade can kill a Gartrap.The armour from a freshly killed Gartrap can make a decent breastplate for a dwarf.

They are generally territorial and when one Gartrap intrudes on another, rather then kill each other, they mesaure the size of each other's jaws and the largest jaw size wins the territory. Once a year they mate, and the area is full of the sound of croaking Gartraps looking for mates. Each mated female Gartrap lays two eggs and defends them with her life. Very few creatures will even try to eat a Gartrap's eggs. They can live for up to 150 years, and the biggest Gartrap ever found was the size of a human-sized breastplate.

Additional Information
OOC-Thank you ScorpianJinx for the name of 'Gartrap'.

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