The Followers of Sethalis - Watchers of Shadows -

Sethalis is seen by the other Gods as a mass of shadows, dancing to an unknown flame. Sethalis works in the dark and the shadows to undermine and destroy everything of the other Gods and mortals designs. Sethalis is thought to dwell under the earth in the caverns below where the light of the suns and moon never reach it dark depths. Sethalis cares little for anything and everything, and prefers carnage and destruction over anything else. The God, in defiance of Adiuvo, has created many creatures that defile nature and seek nothing but carnage and death like their creator. While not really a favorite, humans tend to be Sethalis'€™s favorite mortals to use as their hearts are the easiest to turn.

Sethalis is one of the later Gods to arrive around Hewdamia. He is the Lord of Chaos and is innately evil. He is the Lord of the Darkness that threatens to take over the world. His main goals are the destruction of all in his path and to plunge the world into eternal darkness. He is feared greatly by the morals of the world for the nightmares that plague their dreams. He is the cause and blame of all that is wrong and evil in the world. He does not have a grand following because of the strict rules that his devoted must adhere to in order to gain his pleasure. He is always trying to undermine everything and everybody, God and mortal alike. Anything he can do to gain a stronger foot hold on the world that he covets. Most of his followers are the creatures that he has spawned out the darkest parts of the underworld that defy the natural order of nature.

Doctrine - Most of the followers of Sethalis are the creatures that he has spawned and do not fall into any of the Three Covens. If they do, they would be considered to fall under the Devoted Coven, as they are all fanatics and loyal beyond anything any normal mortal could imagine. A few of the more intelligent creatures fall under the other two Covens, but they are an intelligent race and can choose for themselves what God they wish to follow.

Major Religious Centers -

Breakdown of the religious Order - The breakdown of Sethalis’ followers are rather simple. His followers only have two of the Three Covens. There are no Watchers, only the Apostles and the Devoted.

Apostles are the mortals that have flocked to his banner and turned their backs on their fellow brethren. They will stop at nothing to get their God the most powerful of the Gods. How they intend to do that no one knows. Not all of them are evil. Some have moral virtues, but to others their morals are different and sometimes confusing.

Devoted are the creatures that he has spawned up out of His dark shadow in the deepest folds of the earth. They do his bidding without question and without fear. Their purpose in life is to satisfy Him and wreak havoc on the world until it is theirs to control. They are diabolic to the extreme and nothing can turn them away from their dark hearts desires. They lovingly obey their God, and destroy all who oppose Him.

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