Ceratanium: technically a trademarked name, Ceratanium is an alloy of aluminum dioxide and titanium. This alloy can only be produced in zero-G facilities, and under carefully controlled conditions. Once forged, it is incredibly strong and light. There are other industrial powers that have figured out how to make other versions of Sapphire-Titanium alloy, but none have been as commercially successful as Ceratanium. Most of the others are more colorful marketing terms that have nothing to do with the actual product, like Blue Steel, Celestite, and other weird terms. The New Hanseatic League stymied attempts to figure out what they were doing, as ceramic titanium would be Silicon dioxide and titanium and making glasteel. That's not to say that Glasteel wasn't figured out, it was, but it had nothing to do with Ceratanium.
Okay, but who cares? Ceratanium is a vital component in creating a large number of really important things. Without Ceratanium or its derivatives, the Cosmic Era would not have Mass Drives, Space Elevators, hulls for large spaceships strong and heat resistant enough for surface to orbit to surface travel. Ceratanium is also valued for creating armor for mecha.
On a more consumer/personal level, Ceratanium is used for making HIDEOUSLY sharp knives. This might be vanity cookware, but it is also obscene when used for making knives, or a personal favorite of Nippon, swords.
Picardine: a classified supermaterial, like Kirkite, Picardine is associated with arcanotechnology. The difference is where the latter is generally associated with explosions, high energy transfer, and the like, Picardine is a more sublime material. It is found in Arcanotech computer cores and other highly complex/Cognitive devices. This material has a strong and stable resonance and is valued for this. Picardine is also known as Computronium.
Cavorite: a classified supermaterial, Cavorite is technically composed of entangled weakly interactive massive particles, WIMPs. This slippery to physics and gravity material can only be produced inside particle accelerators and is instrumental in creating antigravity pods, or A-Pods.
DiaSteel: also known as Diamond Steel, Dalekium, and Super Steel, it is a hybrid alloy made of carbon and iron, which yes, is technically steel, but at the point of DiaSteel, its steel and diamond lattice carbon being fused together. It can be made in low-G or zero-G conditions and is generally cheaper than Ceratanium. Most high-grade materials made of metal are going to be made of diasteel due to its low weight, high tensile strength, and high cost, rather than shocking cost. Advanced body armor and high-end vehicle armor tend to be diasteel. Ceratanium is usually considered cost-prohibitive for things as mundane as tanks or vests.
Duratanium: trade name for ferro-ceramic allow, also known as glasteel, or reinforced glasteel. When used in excessively thick pieces, the material has the ability for minimal flex and high thermoablative distribution. The most common use of Duratanium and its imitators is spaceship hulls. The second most common use is in the shells of arcologies. The material is also more commonly available under the non-premiere banner Ferrofiber.
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