“ During a public holiday in the small town of Wyrmbersch, the Mayor is accidentally killed by a statue which falls from the roof of the Town Hall. As shocked spectators crowd around the body, they discover that the Mayor, at the moment of death, shape-shifted into a squat, stunted humanoid figure, it's grey skin dominated by bony ridges and lumps. How long was the Mayor an imposter? And who else in the town isn't what they seem to be?”
“ In a warrior based society, when you make a threat of violence or death towards another, you had better be prepared to back it up with your weapons. Because this is considered an implied challenge to combat and should the person who you threatened call you out on it, it constitutes as accepting this challenge. Trying to back out at this point is considered cowardice and results in being disgraced.”
“ A tribal society which lives on the harsh Northern Plains consider it dishonourable to slay an enemy without looking it full in the face. Any missile weapon is treated with derision and contempt, while rangers and other archers are denied entrance to the tribal villages.”