
Some of these can be quite nasty.

Sooo, the PC's are opening a backpack, hoping to find it littered with coins, or a chest, pouch and so on and so forth. Well, sometimes there are no jewels, money or gold to be found. After killing a goblin you're more likely to find dead insects in his pouch than anything else, perhaps an acorn also. But this list focuses on other things than acorns. This here list focuses on those disgusting and horrible things you're PC's might find.

1. A stained handkerchief.

2. Several severed toes.

3. A bag full of excrements.

4. A lewd drawing.

5. Illustrations of torture techniques.

6. Rats in a stew pot. Mmmh.

7. A mouldy piece of cheese.

8. Curdled milk with green scum on the top.

9. A glass eye smelling of urine.

10. Matted fur that crawls with movement.

11. A set of mouldy wooden teeth.

12. Human skin with bad jokes written on it.

13. A pouch full of eyes.

14. A string of childrens ears.

15. A bag of insects impaled on needles.

16. A severed head with the eyes picked out.

17. A mug of pus.

18. A sewing kit containing sewed lips.

19. A backpack filled with vomit.

20. Grimoir tainted with the smell of stomach acid.

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21. A ball of ear wax.

22. An explicit erotic letter written in the owners language.

23. The skeletal hands of little children.

24. A slug mash.

25. A box of fleas or other small invertebrates.

26. A scalp filled with crawling lice.

27. Strips of bloody skin.

28. Stained undergarments.

29. Snot.

30. Bread crawling with maggots.

31. Candles made of human fat.

32. A rope smeared with blood.

33. A mask made of human skin.

34. Rotting pieces of human flesh adorning a steel chalice.

35. A room filled with the local currency, human ears.

36. The preserved phallus of some desert giant, carefully wrapped in sammite

37. A glass jar filled with dried bile

38. Human nails, thousands of them, slowly deteriorating in a small coffer

39. a wheel of rare, expensive cheese, with a single, bloated maggot crawling inside.

40. A painting, depicting an ogre eating a screaming child

41. A half chewed lump of meat that turns out to be a heart

42. Horse hoof clippings

43. A gore crusted Iron Spike

44. A Zombie hand that still has some crawl left in it

45. A sack of rotting fish heads

46. A pigs bladder bag stuffed full of someone or some things intestines.

47. Rations of toad jerky.

48. A jar full of troll spittle. Labelled "mouth wash".

49. An amphora of stinking, bubbling, fermenting fruit. On closer inspection it also contains half submerged and deteriorating goblin testicles.

50. At first glance it looks like a bag of very long blood red worm skins. It is in fact miles of removed arteries and veins, kept in a blood solution to prolong deterioration.

51. A vulture feather encrusted with dried blood

52. A hat made from fresh rat pelts

53. A dried chunk of chewed tobacco

54. A Soup bowl made from a human skull

55. A fresh finger planted on a lollipop stick

56. A pouch filled with detoriating human hair.

57. A glass jar filled with some foul liquid and all sorts of eyes.

58. A rugsack filled with big brown and slimy snails.

59. An oil painting depicting a hag with pendelous breasts cooking children in a bubbling bronze cauldron.

60. A dead hairless cat with tiny human hands.

61: A rare text, bound in human skin.

62: A human-skull goblet.

63: A cloak made of mottled patches of fur from a suitably nasty creature (Bugbears come to mind.)

64: A used spittoon.

65: The Worst Vintage of Wine ever pressed.

66. A white powder that looks like sugar. It's dandruff.

67. A silver-plated deluxe nose-hair trimmer. For the classy villian.

68. A small portable torture instrument such as a 'pear'.

69. Scabs, lovingly collected since childhood.

70. Silk sheets stained with... do you really want to know?

71. Bags upon bags of hair. Not scalps, just cut hair of all colors and lengths.

72. A rat mounted on a stick.

73. Used bandages.

74. A tin of worms.

75. A worn wooden scuplture of a naked woman. It's well oiled. At least you hope what is leaking out is oil.