The Derevo are not a race unto themselves but a race of similar species. Similar to the different asian cultures. They are all different yet similar being similar cultures. The Derevo are like that.
Full Description
Derevo come in different tribes that inhabit the forests of the world. Mainly a forest dwelling race, most of the tribes prefer to stay in their woodland surroundings throughout their life. Occasionally a few tribal members will leave their protective home and venture out into the civilized lands of the other races.
All of the tribes have a number of special abilities given to them because of their relationship with their surroundings. While all of them have some form of an infravison, it is how the tribes use them that are different. They all speak the same form of language that is basic between the four different tribes yet accents vary from region to region and tribe to tribe.
The Novotie are the ageless thinkers. Content with their life roaming the wilderness in search of their enlightened sense of responsibility.
The Yakaram are less patient and closer to a human in mentality. They require action and response. They are very segregated and take stock of who is speaking before deciding whether to believe it or not.
Additional Information
There are two more sub-races of the Derevo only available in the Creature Compendium as NPC character races. These two sub races are unusual to their brethren and have a more demented outlook of the world. They are more demanding and physically minded.
The Sladiva are more sinister and conniving in their ways. Finding ways to punish their brethren for pushing them out of their homelands and creating a rift between their fellow people. Regardless of fault, they feel they were judged wrongly, but continue to hound the world and their other tribes with vicious assaults.
The Gretalia are deeply insane. Their judgement took a hard toll on their minds and they have secluded themselves away from centuries, warping their mentality till no sanity remained. They have turned cannibal in their solitude and hunt down those of their past tribes for retribution.
Article Codex
Lifeforms • Intelligent Species • Forest/ Jungle
The children of the west know not our ability. Ironically in their arrogance they ask us for advice and use us as ambasadors often, failing to realize that al lwe are doing is learning everything we can about their kingdoms and weaknesses. They will learn, but it will be when they are kneeling before us in their own cities.
-Laar Scaren - Advisor to the Kingdom of Rhomas
Lifeforms • Intelligent Species • Forest/ Jungle
The leaves talk and caress the mind of those who are willing to listen. We know what it is they say and it does not bode well for the civilized lands to our west. Woe to them I say, the land will return to it’s natural state one day.
-Enio Lacvite - Knowledge Seeker of the Rred Leaf
Lifeforms • Intelligent Species • Mountains
The wait shall be over soon infidel. Soon we shall come from our darkened homes and sally forth on the Plains of Redemption and wipe the blight of our anscestors from our history. Our counsins will tremble at our approach, the humans will run from our strength and the Gison will board themselves in the mountain citadels giving the land beneth them to us. Oh yes, weakling. We are coming.
-Shieox Chief-priest of the Night Eyes Clan
Lifeforms • Intelligent Species • Forest/ Jungle
As we viewed the island from afar, I knew we would be forced to land there. Our hull was breached and we are taking on water rapidly. My hope of us making the island is grim, but I keep a face up for the crew. The rumors every sailor has heard of this dreadful place makes even the stoutest sailer make water. We shall see.
-Captain Edver Brakuars, Second to Last Journal Entry.
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? Responses (9)
Why would whole races go insane?
Chemical imbalance. Who knows, it is in their make up. They never were right when all four races were brethren. Part of the split was brought on by their odd outlook and the scheming of the Sladiva. Read the 3rd Era of Hewdamia history submission and it gives more information.
I like the 'related but different' elements to the peoples.
I think you should do the write ups, or just abbreviated write ups, for the other two species. Explanations are needed. Even an additional post compressing information about the two (cliff notes) would be helpful.
Absolutely Moon, they will be put up in the same detail as these. I just have never finished them as I was forced to finish my playable races first. The nonplayable ones are last... and now that Im done with the playable ones... I can focus on the others.
A good solid post with some races that, to me, felt like a Tolkienesque MERP-D&D mix. The actual write ups of the two PC subraces have more detail so they score better in my book.
Like AG, I like the individual write-ups a lot more than the summary which is (understandably) a little vague.
Updated and added the Sladiva to the mix.