Cosmica Sidera Corp

Also known as NOMAD, Cosmica Sidera is a preeminent shipbuilding in the outer solar system


Cosmica Sidera Corporation

The Cosmica Sidera Corporation is one of the stranger organizations in the Cosmic Era solar system, and one of the least nefarious. Their massive shipyard, Amalthea Anchorage, is located in Jovian space, and has almost no strategic value compared to the rest of the Galilean moons. From their enormous base, Cosmica Sidera builds spaceships. They build massive, weird, and one of a kind ships, for whomever has the money and resources to commission them. Other than this, CSC is a space collective.

The NOMAD Commune

The core of CSC is the NOMAD commune. The commune was borne from a nucleus of scientists, engineers, technicians, and spacers who had as their heart's desire, to live in space and build spaceships. This motivation comes from their love of space, exploration, and the great endeavor of building what they consider to be the pinnacle of human ability, the spaceship. The commune was formed as a group effort as most of the founding members were horrified by the development of technology and the progression of culture on Earth, and saw that everything was increasingly focused inward, and rather than elevating was becoming placating.

The Departure and the SS John Galt

They pooled their not inconsiderable resources and launched their colony ship and left the Earth. This ship was their first great creation, and was awkwardly monikered the SS John Galt. A fair number of the commune members felt that their departure would injure the terrestrial power, becoming a great brain drain in the sky. This was a very optomistic ideal, and their positions were quickly filled, and their venture was written off as deep space insanity.

Commies in Space

The NOMAD commune traveled to the edge of claimed space and stake their claim several times, each time, failing. These were not critical failures, but rather the commune found their claims contested, or discovered that their site was less than optimal, or had what would become strategic value. Their final destination was the Galilean moon Amalthea. Using their robotics and technology know how, they tugged other asteroids to the moon, and increased it's mass, and tethered multiple bodies together to create what would eventually become Amalthea Anchorage.

The Amalthean Accord and the Dark Age

The NOMAD commune was launched late in the Petroleum Age, and would have failed completely if the Amalthean colony had nto been viable. From the shadow of Jupiter, the commune watched human civilization attempt suicide. During this time, the colony grew slowly. There were rudimentary efforts made at cloning, and eventually a carefully engineered social and breeding program allowed the colony to survive, while their tech allowed them to survive even cut off from Earth. The Dark Age was a long period of internal growth and maturing for the commune, and they continued to man their communication apparatus, listening for word from Earth. Several generations would pass before contact was made again. The Commune could have made contact first, but decided to watch and not interfere.

The Shipbuilders

The Cosmica Sidera Corporation wasn't created until contact was reestablished with Earth. This was considered an important moment in the commune's history because their first contact wasn't with humans from Earth, but rather with seibertronians. This meeting between a legacy colony and the sentient machines was shocking for both sides. The Seibertronians only knew of human violence and treachery, sparking their exodus looking for a new world to make their own, and the Commune was amazingly non-violent. They were well armed, and well equipped, but were open and friendly to the exodus members, and helped them pick out their fledgling colony site on Ganymede.

The Cosmica Sidera Corporation was a joint venture of the NOMAD commune, and included pacifists from the Seibertronians, exiles from Earth who wanted to live in peace, and represented a united front to the resurgent forces of Earth. CSC presented itself to the spacefaring Earth nations, and was able to secure friendly relations with the Atlantic Federation and the Pacific Rim Coalition. This was with the stipulation that NOMAD would remain a neutral party, and would not engage itself in military industry or ventures, and would not tolerate them in their non-strategically valuable location. While a tough bone for the Federation to swallow, they did, because CSC was well equipped with an impressive number of ships and crews who had only ever lived in space, and were backed by the increasingly formidable seibertronian faction.


CSC has a tripartite leadership structure: the NOMAD council, the Seibertronian Emirate, and the CSC Representatives. All decisions have to be made with the support of all three factions, otherwise the venture is denied. The only way around this is that if one faction doesn't support a venture, they can opt to not vote, and so long as two factions are in favor and none oppose it, the venture can be passed. The risk and reward of the ventures are shared collectively inside the Commune.


Cosmica Sidera has a lot of friends. They also have mining claims on several large resource rich asteroids and non-asteroid belt objects that they use for raw materials. This allows CSC to reach out to a very large pool of raw materials, resource gathering abilities, tech support, and financial support in the form of contracts. The most notable friends of the CSC are the five metal dragons, the seibertronians on Ganymede, the Cratos Corporation, as well as many second and third tier nations on Earth that lack the industrial infrastructure to build their own ships and habitats. After building a hab or ship for one of these powers, they typically garner a positive relationship with them, allowing members of the CSC and the NOMAD commune to have many choices of destination when traveling to Earth.


CSC doesn't have many rivals, considering their non-military stance, and when they do work on warships, it is on repairing or replacing ships lost defending CSC holdings. While not friendly, the Atlantic Federation doesn't have many dealings with the heavy industry space hippies who run CSC. The ACPS likewise despises CSC as they refuse to build anything for the almost completely militarily minded Emperor. Nippon likewise has an unfavorable stance towards CSC, for the same reason. Under their Dream of Yamato plan, they have more than enough financial resources to cash flow CSC to build them several battlestars and warships, but CSC, being non-aggressors, refuse.


NOMAD and CSC are major shipbuilders and are a major source of light freighters, civilian cargo frigates, courier ships, cargo haulers from TerraMax all the way up to supergiant gas haulers that carry hydrogen from Jupiter to Earth to feed the maws of thousands of fusion reactors and bulk ion drives.

The CSC is also frequently used by the Anunnaki and other secret organizations to build their non-military ships at a unspoken black budget price. This high end secrecy and gouging gives CSC the same level of shipbuilding tech as the Maw Installation, and if they did decide to start cranking out warships, they would be able to do so relatively easily.

Finally, NOMAD is a home away from home for space prospectors, actual nomads, space tramps, surveyors, deep system explorers, and fringe tech research groups. They built unimaginable ships like the Oumuamua, and kept the plans, and can build more, if they so desired.

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