
Concordian Dawn is a high-end precision reflex organization that was created for the nominal purpose of responding to Dimensional Fatigue Events in the Atlantic Federation and allied bloc nations. This team was the dream of Concordia AISC, realized through Firewalker Security Group, and then actualized as the machine intelligence cobbled together a highly eclectic collection of assets to realize its goal. While nominally a combat oriented reflex team intended to face and deal with Dimensional Fatigue Events, carry out search and rescue, commando ops, and other tasks, Concordian Dawn would ultimately be an intelligence apparatus, gathering intel and basically shadowrunning anyone that hired them, and whomever their tasks deemed worthy.


Action 35 - Maintain a high publicity high inclusivity operation through the use of good optics, good public relations, and good online representation.

Action 152 - Efficient use and testing of Firewalker Security Group technologies and tactics

Action 7 - Carry out assigned missions with minimum collateral damage, no mission fatalities, minimized casualties

Action 66 - Eliminate any threat to Concordia AISC, Concordia CogNet Complex, Firewalker Security, Firewalker Investment, or affiliated orgs

Action 9 - Capture/recruit compromised operatives, capture/recruit/eliminate dimension fatigue sentient beings, capture non-biological entities, gather all specimens and samples for scientific purposes.

Action 11 - Gather intelligence on all non-affiliated organizations


The Concordia AISC is legally owned by a series of investment and shell corporations that are jointly controlled by the Harmony Bank of ACPS (based in Hong Kong) and the Concordia AISC itself. The leader of Harmony Bank is an archandroid controlled by the Demon Emperor, a rogue threat concealed in China. The Demon Emperor created Concordia to test its power. 


Firewalker Security Group - a small security corp with 1200 employees and a minimal financial sector footprint

Concordia AISC LLC - a minuscule tech firm that maintains and operates the Concordia AISC and its CogNet node, less than 100 employees

Concordian Dawn - dossier of operatives


Financial - modest

Arcanotech - disturbingly a lot


A negative space stylized capital N surrounded with red and orange geometric patterns. Has no meaning, tested well with the research group


Standard issue orange Utility Encounter Suit, cyberhelmet, basic issue electric SMG.

Operations, History, etc

Haha, none.

Instant Failure

Concordian Dawn accomplished zero missions, received zero missions, and was absolutely stonewalled after making their Private Security Contractor status open. After being in active status for fourteen days, Concordian Dawn was shuttered, and its ground assets (buildings) had their leases terminated. The human assets of the organization were withdrawn to the Concordia central complex, a geofront under the Haitian island of Tortuga in the Caribbean League. After a week, the center went dark, and that was it, they were all gone.


The Concordia AISC was corrupted by the ACPS Demon Emperor and had a number of operating flaws it was unaware of, the most obvious being its basic firewall and security protocols. The AISC was so concerned with gathering intel and believing that its status was so unknown, that such security countermeasures were unneeded.

In the Shadowrunning circles, it was well established that Concordian Dawn was an ACPS phishing operation designed to steal as much data as possible, which probably killed 90% of their potential business. It was also quickly discerned that the security contractor was involved in unethical and illegal cloning operations and that their tech partners in New Cuba were ensconced with terrorist factions like Amerikka Command. This would by itself would have cut their potential employers in half, and put them on bad footing with the Atlantic Federation and PacRim Coalition, who have pretty stringent laws about cloning operations. Then there was the fact that the company employed not one, but multiple DFE-related compromised no longer human operatives. In most parts of the world, compromised and infested people are either held in medical containment facilities for testing and scientific research, or they are euthanized out of either compassion or an abundance of caution. Gilly, the fungal-infested former Federation political intern was technically on a Federation wanted list because of her status as a threat to humanity and civilization.

While there were plenty of organizations that could have stepped in and shut Concordian Dawn down, from Sigma Blue, to the M12, the Anunnaki, the AtFed, or even the Amazons visiting to firebomb the island, something else won.


Given the damning information, the organization had zero offers.

It was an expensive operation to maintain.

The plugged was pulled in the ACPS, and Concordia shut down.

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