The Priests of The One are shaman scholars, showing the way of The Spirit, The One to the people. They do not like being called a church, as history has shown that all churches eventually become organizations and dominant ones.

The Priests and followers of The One - The Speakers - do not congregate in churches and temples. They meet where ever the Priest lives, usually in their garden or a barn (in inclement weather). Some Speakers live in places away from the clutter of daily existence. There they cultivate a peaceful and aesthetic atmosphere. Every speaker holds gatherings at convenient times for their neighbors (early in the morning before they go to work, at noon after their central meal, after work... or once a week at a specific time). They ring a bell to call the followers. No one has to show up, but most do. Those that don't show up, the local speaker checks on them sometime later... just to make sure nothing is wrong.

Speakers live a very simple life, with a minimum of distraction. They wear simple clothes and pull their hair back into a single braided tail. They are often supported by their community, but if that is the case, they do some work around the village to earn their keep.

Many priests wander, trying to divorce themselves of the material. These priests live off the charity of others or the occasional itinerate work.

No matter the priest, they then try to pass the mysteries of the spirit on to others, in the forms of stories and riddles. They also provide advice on how best to achieve ones purpose, to work with the flow of cosmic forces/ spiritual energies, and to achieve happiness.

There is no one central school of thought. In fact one of the tenets of the The One is that there IS NO ONE WAY. Those who have the calling are those who feel the duty to relearn the spirit. Priests are taught by other peer priests the fundamentals of the One's message. They are taught paths for achieving oneness. (There is no one path for any journey.) They are also taught meditation, some oratory skills, and several classic passages and riddles to serve as the foundation of their understanding.

There are no central authorities, just priests with more reputation and knowledge are revered and their wisdom listened to. Many of these priests live in communities of other priests in out of the way areas where the aesthetic lifestyle can be maintained.

There is some structure for the priests. There are five circles. To become a priest requires one to study under five different priests of the fifth circle (or greater) and be accepted by all of them. To be admitted to each circle requires the acceptance of five members of that circle. To become a member of the fourth circle, a member of the fifth circle must study under and be accepted by five members of the fourth. There are currently 23 members of the 1th circle through out the land. The names of the circles are simply fifth through first, to avoid any flowery distractions from the truth.

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