The academy is located on an island in the middle of the Lake of Stars. It was placed here originally to seclude itself from interruption from the outside world. Jonah Blackrose originally built the academy as a place where all knowledge could be learned.

Blackrose Academy was built as a center for anyone wanting to learn. It houses some of the most intelligent and brilliant minds of its time. People would come from all around to study magic, languages, warfare and tactics, among other things. But that has changed.

Now it has turned into an academy of status. On graduating from the academy a student recieves a mark on their arm that signifies that they have succeeded in graduating. Some employers will hire someone who has gone through the academy simply because of the respect and reputation involved with gaining that little mark.

This mark carries with it a respect that some people would never have achieved in life had it not been for graduating from Blackrose Academy.

Some Kingdoms send their military officers there to learn tactics and to become a better leader. This is mandatory in some militaries.

Originally when the academy was started more than a century ago, anyone was welcome to attend the academy to learn. Now however, only a select number of people are invited to attend. It is a great honor to be invited to the academy. However there are other ways to become a student of the illustrious academy. Some militaries require their officers to attend the school and pay a handsome yearly dividend to send their officers to the academy. Other more wealthy or influential have been known to give liberal gifts to Instructors and other faculty to allow their children to attend. This is normally done from the very rich merchants and nobility.

One of the most detailed libraries is located in the academy, to include original works from some of the most renowned authors on alchemy and magic.

Fourth year students undergo a different class regime that normal. They are given scenarios that they are put into that they must determine how to solve the problem. These scenarios (adventures, modules, etc) are real to the students. Every action they do has a reaction and any harm that befalls them during these scenarios feels real.

What the students don’t know, is that these scenarios are indeed real. They are told that they are made up scenarios that are given to every class, but that is to make the students less agitated toward the event. The instructors use an old device that can transport objects to a designated location. The students are given a task, and then sent to this destination and told to solve it. What they do from there is up to the students, but they are graded on their actions. And graduation falls to the Instructors passing the student by their actions.

Surrounding City

A small city has grown up around the academy to keep it stocked with needed supplies. In honor of the academy it has been unofficially dubbed City Blackrose. There is a single tavern on the island that doubles as a place for boarding visiting Instructors as well as students that do not go home for their yearly break. Most of the basic needs can be found on the island, there are numerous general stores as well as merchants that supply needed goods for the Instructors who can not get away from their studies to purchase off island.

There is a large garden that covers the entire north side of the academy. It is only available to faculty, visiting dignitaries, graduates, and fourth year students. Inside the garden are many contemplation glades, mazes, and small ponds with plenty of fish to watch and feed.

Plot Hooks

The academy as a starting point for some of my campaigns by having all of the characters students of the academy. The scenarios that the characters go on, are actually adventures that they characters are placed in.

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