The connections with all of these objects are muddled throughout history as being separate items of crazed individuals. What only a handful of learned scholars is that in combination, these items were created as a whole for the purpose of pandemonium. Ownership of these creations has also been muddled throughout history as multiple inventive artisans lead claim to an item or two.

Regardless of what the histories tell, the original inventor of the complete set of the Array of Anarchy was a follower of Ishchali called Ceoluulf Alric. Later he proclaimed himself as Enyo, the Hand of Strife. He claimed to have been given direct incite into certain aspects of the world and the universe, which some laid claim to his unstable mentality. These revelations given to Enyo gave him the ability and, he claimed, need to create the items of his deity. Ishchali was a complete unknown to most; Ishchali sits in the shadows using his many personas to influence the world around him. He found one such vessel in Alric. It is quoted that Ishchali spoke to Alric and this is what was said.

Four tasks I have given you and each one a testament to disorder. Complete them and I shall give you transition into the clouded realm. And the doors of Aamina-Ala shall spread open for you and the thread of truth and knowledge will be yours for the taking.

These tasks were the creation of that which Ishchali bestrode upon him was the spreading of chaotic virtue. When creating such a chaotic state, Enyo used the knowledge his dark god gave him to create the epitome of what he was taught. The entire process took over a decade, by the time he was completed he was feeble and senile. His mind shattered from multiple failed experiments. His devotion to Ishchali had taken the rest of his sensibilities. After years of toiling over his faith and his divine given tasks he finished a shell of a man. Patched white hair, a hooked hand that had been destroyed in on of his experiments and a white, dead eye were his trophies. When he was complete however, a simpleton of the mind due to the insanities he was forced to endure to create that which his deity requested, he smiled in satisfaction and died. No gate was opened for him to Aamina-Ala, no gift beyond the clouded realm was given. He was soulless and lost.

Items of the Array of Anarchy
The items which he created had never been properly assembled so it was unknown that their properties were combined when together. The items he created were priceless pieces of art.

  • A white silvered breast plate. Beaten as thin as possible, it weighed nearly nothing when worn and held, yet withstood the strongest of blows from hammers. Intricate designs of lace are tattooed with red gold, making it stand out vividly in the light of fires.
  • A silken cloak of the darkest red clasped with an ivory brooch of a menagerie mask.
  • A silvered helm encrusted with shards of ivory. The silvered helm covers only the top of the head, leaving the face and jaw exposed. The ivory shards inlaid into the helm raise up as small spikes.
  • An obsidian mask with a smiling face of openness and caring. The black mask has two hinges on the top as well as two hooks on the sides. When placed on the front of the helm they lock into place combining the two into a single set.

These items have been scattered about the lands throughout the ages, lost and found by various people. Always it seems that the unsuspecting are the usual and unfortunate ones to find them. It is vague but throughout history events of misfortune and chaotic nature seem to follow in the path of these items, sowing the seeds of disorder and discord. However it is when all four of these set items are found and placed together, does anarchy truly reign.

While individually these items are profound and can cause their own form of mayhem and chaos it is truely unknown what will occur when all four of these items are in fact placed together and worn by the same individual. It was said that the gates of Aamina-Ala shall be openned but they have never been brought together. Perhaps because of their nature of random havoc, bedlam, chaos, and confusion acts that they were destined to never be able to be brought to one location to be completed.

But should the worst happen and they be united, the gates will open to the place that demons call their heaven and the unknown will transpire.

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