Poisons exist in abundance, their deadly touch waiting within ancient traps, slathered upon readied weapons, or pooling within a fanged and monstrous maw. Some poisons are magical creations, concocted by dark powers in secret laboratories. Other toxins are naturally occurring on many worlds across the planes. Still other venoms drip from the fangs and scales of fearsome beasts. Here we collect them, for new and deadly additions to ones repertoire of recipes.

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Nerve Fire

This is a simple, but rather cruel poison. When the full dose is administered, the sensitivity of all nerves and senses is heightened and continues to increase in sensitivity over time. Eventually even the sound of one's heart will seem deafening, the taking of a breath excruciating, and the light of a single candle blinding.

In the end, the victim will be reduced to silent, quivering wreck who will beg for death, should they manage to speak at all. Perhaps fate will step in and still their suffering heart.

Fortunately, the crafting of this toxin is difficult, expensive, and requires exotic components. The antidote is also similarly difficult to craft.

Bog Serpent Venom

Extracted from the vicious Bog serpent, this venom has a milky green color and a runny consistency. While rarely lethal, this venom has found it's way into the almanacs of apothecaries and poisoners across the land. In small amounts and mixed with the proper distillation of herbs, the venom is converted into a muscle relaxer and pain inhibitor. Purified venom causes loss of control over muscles, as well as incontinence and vomiting. While not effective for killing political rivals, a devastating toxin to use on baited blades, so much more to humiliate the defeated before their death.

Stalkers Bane

This toxin, derived from the fairly common medicinal herb Jacobs Root, has a very subtle but possibly devastating effect. It severely impacts night-vision (not thermal or similar exotic vision types), essentially blinding most creatures after nightfall. Duration of the blindness is proportional to dosage. Even full moonlight is still terribly dark to the victim, and in anything less bright, it is pitch black.

The toxin has a faint, carrot-like flavor and is slightly bitter.

There are rumors that a preparation with permanent effects can be brewed, but requires much tedious effort and additional rare components. It is an effective means to destroy many criminal's livelihoods.

The Purifier

This fungal extract is not a poison, strictly speaking, but is associated with them anyway:

A small dose - a few drops into a glass of water or wine - will make its imbiber throw up shortly after consuming it. The liquid's color is best hidden in wine, the weak taste will change into a strong aftertaste, and then it's already too late. If actual poison was ingested, a fast application of the Purifier may help to get it out of the system (well, out of the stomach), before it is metabolized.

An overdose will in turn cause a violent reaction, with cramps and pains all over the stomach area felt for days after - and that's why the old herbals recommend careful dosage. Rarely, this is used to make a victim believe they were poisoned, and just barely survived. Paranoia can be useful, too.

Fast Food Soda Machine Ice

This one's a real world poison (at least in the USA) that is believed to be behind many of the cases of mild food poisoning. The ice inside many fast food restaurants soda machines has been found to contain more ecol i bacteria than the toilet bowl water in the same establishment.

In it's standard form the ice crystals look transparent with small chunks, the bacteria within being virtually orderless and flavorless, with the sickness onsetting 1-8 hours after consumption.

In small doses a beverage chilled by this ice can cause stomach cramps and mild nausea followed by loose stools and gaseous bloating.

In more severe concentrations the effects can be vomiting, dizziness, and explosive diarrhea