A Book of Cookrye
Do you know what people should be eating at the social and technological level of your historical analog/ fantasy world? Do you know what people were eating in the real world at the same cultural/ technological level? Well here is your chance. Did you also know one of the main contributing factors to nationalism and the nation states, post printing press, was the creation of national cuisine through books?
Very Necessary for
all such as delight
Gathered by A. W.
And now newlye enlarged with the serving in of the Table.
With the proper Sauces to each of them convenient.
Printed by Edward Allde. 1591.
The order how Meats should be served to the Table, with their sauces
The First course.
Potage or stewed broth.
boiled meat or stewed meat.
Chickins and Bacon.
Powdred Beefe.
Pyes, Gooce, Pigge.
Rosted Beefe.
Rosted Veale.
The second course.
Rosted Lamb.
Rosted Capons.
Bakte Venison, Tart.
The service at Supper.
Potage or Sew.
A Sallet.
A Pigges petitoe.
Powdred Beef sliced.
A shoulder of mutton or a brest.
Vele, Lamb, Custard.
If you want to read the entire book (it is not long), it is found at
This should give you an idea what people in your historical analog/ fantasy worlds should be expecting to eat.
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? Responses (4)
While this is a cool idea, it is weird.
I guess this is a nice concept. I started reading some of the other book that Moon linked here and it is interested. I just never thought about this type of information for a gaming scenario would be needed. But moon is thourghouh as always.
These books started out as "spell books" for the Head Cook of a manor. They were hidden away and used only by the top staff (which is odd, since normal people couldn't read them anyways, what was the secret). This way the manor would "be maintained" even if something happened to the cook.
Upon the release of the printing press, some of the most common books were cook books and books on courtly eating (or both, like this one). This allowed all that knowledge, that used to be horded in the Head Cook's "Spell Book" to be shared with all. Now everyone could be "proper".
In a game, just a touch of familarity with this order and the type of food is mostly "color", helping your to more accurately "set the scene" for a courtly or upper class dinner.
Plots in the book
There can also be "quests" for people to gather ingredients for "fyne dinner" for a up and comming noble/ rich person. You could be on the "scavenger hunt" or protecting the cook while they are or having to fight off the bully boys hired by another noble who wants to ruin your noble's chances.
A good resource - the link still works.