1. Srazagne of the Many Legs

Fascinated with the alien and calculating nature of spiders, the Ascendant decided to create a goblin-spider hybrid. Such things had technically worked for the dark elves and the drider servants of their spider queen, so why not a spider-gob?

Srazagne was a purpul hobgoblin beast master with an affinity towards spiders, frequently summoning them in battle and using weapons baiting with spider venom. When given a chance to become a spider herself, she agreed. What came out of the goblin chrysalis was something both more and less than was expected. Seazagne was indeed made into a spider hybrid, complete with the body of a tawny brown recluse spider and the upper torso and arms of a hobgoblin sorceress. Her powers over spinderkin were greatly increased, and her potency as a magic user were likewise increased.

On the downside she was no longer a goblin, and the powers of the goblin magical hierarchy no longe worked on her, and she was no longer under the control of the goblin royalty or even the ascendant. She also laid eggs that hatched into normal if entirely too fucking large brown recluse spiders. These canine sized arachnids had zero compunction about eating goblins, and their bite was enough to slay even goblin nobility. She chose to parlay with the Ascendant and asked to be allowed to live in Tir an Nathracha. She would go on to built a massive spider cult in the deep jungles of the region, serving as a high priestess of a horrific spider avatar, before slaying it and usurping its position and becoming an ascendant herself.

The Cult of Srazagne remains in Tir an Nathracha

2. Knoggoc the Gobloblin

Intrigued by the truly ominovorous slimes, oozes, puddings, and jellies, the Ascendant was interested in creating a strain of goblin that could consume wood, earth, metal, anything, and have the advantages of a slime body. While his other experiments had volunteers and goblin nobles eager to serve the goblin god in their holy racial war, no one wanted to be a slime goblin. Knoggoc was accounted to be the least intelligent, least ambitious, and least aggressive of the green hobgoblin lords so when he was chosen for the slime experiment, none spoke on his behalf.

The thing that came out of the chrysalis chamber was a suppurating mound of lumpy, chunky, rancid stinking green goo. Resembling a midden heap more than a slime, Knoggoc had become a mindless goblin slime. The thing oozed slowly to the lowest point in the chamber and started sprouting obscene stalks that bloomed with horrific flowering bodies. These structures resembled the genitalia of female goblins and stank of their estrus scent. The least intelligent and lowest of goblins were drawn to the chamber where encountering the goblin pus midden thing, threw themselves on it and were consumed by the Goblobin.

Eventually Knoggoc was frozen, transported to Tir an Scathanna and was used as a cleaner for the cistern under the Goblin Royal Court.

When the Ascendant was slain, Knoggoc bubbled and boiled for two days and then dissolved.

3. Snazgetra the Goblamia

Lamia, or snake-folk proved to be difficult foes to overcome, and the Ascendant ever interested in tinkering with his gobs decided to try and make a goblin-lamia hybrid. He succeeded, and it was a disturbing thing. Snazgetra was an amber hobgoblin champion, and passably versed in healing magic, but was also accorded to be one of the most lovely of the non-dam (brood mother) hobgoblins. Among the goblins, few can compete in 'goblin allure' with the goblin dams. Jealous of these dams, Snazgetra volunteered for the transformation.

The creature that was born was half serpent, half-goblin. They were the wrong halves too. From the waist down, Snazgetra remained goblinoid with bowed legs, a clenched bottom, and splay-toed paddle feet. This didn't horribly reduce her attractiveness to many goblins, who are feet men. From the waist up, she was serpentine, with a long tapering torso, long neck, and the arrow-shaped head of a Scathannan cinder-viper. This removed her ability to speak, she could not cast clerical spells any further, and rather than a charming serpentine seductress, the Ascendent made a hissing hostile amber snake with legs.

After trying to bite the Ascendent for the third time, the thing that had been Snazgetra was forced into an artistic pose and then turned to stone.

After such a failure and the loss of such a lovely hobgoblin cleric, he gave up on his goblin snake hybrid designs

 4. The Gobbat Brood

The use of a flying goblin was obvious to the Ascendent, from being able to deliver recon and intel on foreign armies, to infiltrating castles, poisoning wells, and assassins on the wing. For every idea he had, he quickly came up with two more. Created from a common stock Dam, the first litter of gobbats initially looked promising. They had leathery wings as bats, as well as larger ears, weak eyesight, and a stronger sense of smell.

The Ascendant watched over their growth to adults as well as their training and knew that despite the physical success of their breeding, the plan was a failure. They were poor flyers, they could only reliably work at night as they found the sun blinding, and primarily using echolocation they were useless as aerial spies since they couldn't scout anything on the ground, and couldn't relate troop details, numbers,  or movements.

The ultimate failure of the gobbat was that they were apparently delicious. Two-thirds of the gobbats failed to reach adulthood as they kept getting ambushed and eaten. They suffered predation from mobats (giant bats), predatory great aves (giant birds), and many dire predatory insects would go out of their way to stalk them with the dire centipedes being the most effective in this, and even other races not opposed to eating sentient beings found them to be the best things they ever ate.

5. Cralrug, the Dracogob

The Ascendant desired living siege engines, he wanted dragons. That species was never numerous, and in a place like Cridhedun, if they were threatened it was very easy for them to leave. During the Goblin Wars, a large number of dragons did leave the continent, some to avoid being shackled into goblin slavery, mostly because of the reduction in animal populations meaning they had far less to hunt from. Contrary to popular media, the great beasts do not thrive on eating virgins, princesses, and chained sacrifices.

The dracogobs were successfully hatched, and Cralrug proved dominant by slaying his nestmates before he could be stopped. The creature grew at an alarming rate, had vestigial wings and could not fly, a long neck and a pointed snout coming from a goblin body and head, and was covered in muddy green-brown scales. He did prove capable of deploying a breath weapon, a narrow cone of corrosive slime that while not ignited, was readily flammable and once set aflame proved impossible to extinguish.

Cralrug proved a useful addition to the Ascendant's army, rising to become a powerful general and fighter. This was offset by the fact that the creature was hard to keep. It ate a large amount of food and had a massive preference for eating its own kind, goblins or dragon eggs, and settling for prisoners if nothing else was available. It also had massive carnal appetites and was hard on its playmates. There was a mild saving grace, as Cralrug didn't particularly have a race or gender preference, and prisoners were just as good as goblin dams. Finally, Cralrug tried to kill the Ascendant several times, sometimes out of rage, sometimes just testing it, sometimes attempting to usurp control.

The dracogob was eventually used in a suicide defense, ridding the Ascedant of a thorn in his side, as well as inflicting terrible losses on the armies of the Last Alliance.

6. Uigneeblette the Unpronounceable

Uigneeblette concocted the plan for her own transformation, desiring ever greater magical power as a Purpur Hobgoblin Lady who had focused her considerable intellect and skill into the powerful magic schools of evocation, abjuration, and summoning. She was aware of the most potent magic-using monster being the Beholder and knew they were incredibly powerful and incredibly dangerous.  The Ascendant was overjoyed with her ambition and made sure that she received all the resources she needed as well as providing the magical power and guidance for the Fusion Process once they captured a suitable Beholder.

Nothing happened after the fusion spell, the Beholder just vanished. Then, over the course of two weeks, Uigneeblette's right eye started growing. After two days she was in immense pain as the orb was cracking and reshaping her skull. After a week, she couldn't walk due to the malformation of her skull and upper body. Her arms and legs were also atrophying. At the end of the two weeks, she drifted up from the shed remnants of her body as a green-skinned beholder with large bat ears. She laughed and laughed, and laughed until even the Ascendant was concerned she had gone completely mad.

When she stopped laughing, Uigneeblette began casting spells. In the resulting chaos, several of the Hobgoblin Lords were slain or wounded, and even the Ascendent was humbled. Then the BeGobber was just gone, teleported away. Uigneeblette vanished from history and was not part of the Goblin Wars. She reappeared almost nine hundred years after the wars ended as a wandering prophetess, laying out dooms and blessings across what remained of the land, including hunting down and destroying individuals corrupted by darkenite and preventing the reappearance of a new goblin demigod or dark lord.

She has randomly appeared at unique times, swaying the flow of events, and avoiding the powerful of Cridhedun. She herself is a borderline ascendant and is a hair away from being dumped from the realm. She knows it is the great hub of the Universe and is willing to trade power, bleed herself to become weaker, and generally act as a sculptress and reality is the stone she shapes. She has been unseen or unrecorded for two thousand years.

7. Feex, the Dumbest Goblin to Ever Exist

Feex was accorded to be the least intelligent creature to ever exist, his intellect being surpassed by some plants, a good percentage of insectile species, and pretty much anything that had an internal skeleton was smarter. He was also an astoundingly lucky creature, surviving seemingly by the caprice of the gods of luck and misfortune. Thus it was that their blessed fool fell into a magical experiment after chugging a fusion potion because it looked like it might be mud apple flavored wine. The creature being experimented on, a flumph.

Feex the Goblumph was actually successful.

The Ascendant slapped his own face as Feex bloated, turned transparent, and began floating out of the laboratory.

That's enough of that, and the Ascendant shut down his fusion experiments and decided to focus on just breeding more high-tier goblins.

Thankfully abandoning the path that would have led to truly abominable goblinoids.

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