1. Pain-Eater

The Pain-Eater tattoo is an angular arc deco looking piece that covers the entire back of the torso. It is usually done in green, red, or black ink, and must be uncovered to work properly.

G1: negate -1 pain penalty

G2: negate -1 pain penalty, +1 Endurance when afflicted with -1 pain

G3: negate -2 pain penalty, +1 Endurance when afflicted with -1 or more pain

G4: negate -2 pain penalty, +2 Endurance when afflicted with -1 or more pain

G5: Negate -3 pain penalty, +2 Endurance and +2 Strength when afflicted with -1 or more pain

G6: Negate all pain penalties, +1 to all stats when afflicted with -1 or more pain

G7: Negate all pain penalties, +2 to all stats when afflicted with -1 or more pain

2. Cold Skin

The Cold Skin tattoo is a flowing organic piece that mixes elements of angular snowflakes and whorls and loops of flower petals. It can be on either side of the torso, and like all Wightish dungeon tats, it has to be uncovered to be active. It is typically done in blue or black ink. At all levels, the Cold Skin tattoo spoofs infravision and other thermal based senses.

G1: skin cool to the touch, +2 resistance to cold

G2: skin cool to the touch, +4 resistance to cold, +1 resistance to fire

G3: skin cool to the touch, +5 resistance to cold, +2 resistance to fire

G4: skin cold to the touch, immune to non-magical cold, +3 resistance to fire

G5: skin cold to the touch, Immune to magical and non-magical cold (spell resistance), +4 resistance to fire

G6: skin burning cold to the touch, contact inflicts 1 cold damage, immune to cold greater, immune to non-magical fire

G7: skin burning cold to the touch, contact inflicts 1D4 cold damage, immune to cold greater, immune to fire, all ice and cold magics are empowered

3. Shadow Stalker

The Shadow Stalker is an upper torso, front and back, and arm sleeve tattoo. It is always done in gray ink, the patterns are hard to follow with the eye and seem to defy logic, sense, and mathematics. 

G1: +1 Hide, +1 Stealth

G2: +2 Hide, +2 Stealth

G3: Shadow sight, +3 Hide, +3 Stealth

G4: Invisible in Shadows, Darkvision, +4 Hide, + 4 Stealth

G5: Manipulate Shadows, +5 Hide, +5 Stealth

G6: Conjure Shadows, Summon Shadow Creature (as per normal summon but 20% Health for shadow creature), +8 Hide, + 8 Stealth

G7: Shadow Step (limited teleport, line of sight, shadow to shadow, Become Shadow, +10 Hide, +10 Stealth

4. Stoneskin

The Stoneskin tattoo is an art nouveau representation of dungeon geography done in brown, black, or copper ink, and covers the front and back of the torso completely. At the highest levels, the legs are covered as well. At first level, a stoneskin wearer can use Stonesense to know their location underground, detect traps and hidden doors, and gain increasing ability to sense vibration through stone, and are almost impossible to surprise or sneak up on in a dungeon or underground location.

G1: +1 Armor

G2: +2 Armor, +2 Strength

G3: +3 Armor, bare-handed strikes have a minor chance to Slow an opponent

G4: +4 Armor, +4 Strength, Rooted - immune to knock down

G5: +5 Armor, Immunity to missiles (non-siege), bare-handed strikes have a moderate chance to Slow an opponent

G6: +6 Armor, Immunity to bludgeoning damage, +6 to strength, Deeply Rooted - immune to knock down or knock back

G7: +7 Armor, Immunity to all non-magical weapons, bare-handed strikes have a major chance to Slow an opponent

5. Icon of Dread

One of the more infamous and terrifying of the Wightish tattoos, the Icon of Dread instills the wearer with an ever increasing aura of fear, and increases their speed and ability to deal damage in combat. The tattoo is stylized death imagery, with the skeleton drawn out on the body, including the face. This is done in black ink and it is common for Icon of Dread Wights to smear their naked bodies, or nearly naked bodies with blood and gore before challenging would be adventurers.

G1: Dexterity +1, Movement +5, Cause Fear Minor

G2: Dexterity +2, Movement +10

G3: Dexterity +3, Movement +15, Great leap, Cause Fear (regular)

G4: Dexterity +4, Movement +20, Soaring Leap

G5: Dexterity +5, Movement +30, Weightless step, Cause Fear Major

G6: Dexterity +7, Movement +40, Air-walk, Spiderclimb at will

G7: Dexterity +10, Movement +50, Feather fall at will, Cause Fear/Angel of Death (NPCs less than half the level of the Wight die if they fail their morale check)

6. P'ellmore Easle

Also known as Dungeon Skin, the P'ellmore Easle is the icon of the Gygaxian Gyre and Understone, the equivalent of getting nationalistic or patriotic tattoos over the entire body. The P'ellmore can be done in any color, though blue, red, and metallic black inks are the most popular. This is also the most common of the Wightish tattoos. No two are the same, and each is the product of an ongoing contract between a Wightish Cnawdmaler, or tattoo artist skilled in the alchemy required to make the pigments, and artistic skill to produce the required magical schemata on skin.

G1: +1 Power (power refers to the primary attribute of the Wight's chosen class), Innate spell ability, cantrip only, 1/day

G2: +2 Power, +2 Armor, Innate spell ability, cantrip only, 3/day

G3: +3 Power, Taunt Foe

G4: +4 Power, +4 Armor, Innate spell ability, up to level 1, cantrip 5/day, level 1 1/day

G5: +5 Power, Cause Fear

G6: +6 Power, +6 Armor, Innate spell ability up to a level 2 spell. Cantrip can be done at will, level 1 is 3/day, and level 2 is 1/day,

G7: +7 Power, Innate spell ability up to a level 3 spell. Cantrip can be done at will, level 1 is 5/day, and level 2 is 3/day, and level 3 is once per day. At this point, a P'ellmore Easle may cast four different spells as activated abilities. This is a very limited selection as they cannot change or learn new spells, but they are going to be very proficient with the spell abilities they have, they've been using the same spells their entire lives and will have found interesting uses for them.

7. Mark of Perfection

The Mark of Perfection is a full body tattoo, comprising a front and back torso set, and sleeves for the arms and legs. The arms are marked with flowing wings and feathers, the legs show pillars and almost temple style motifs, and the torso contains geometric patterns. The Mark of Perfection is done in gold ink, and is only applied to Wight Ladys (female Wight Lord) who have shown magic mastery, devotion to the Dungeon Core, and accomplishment in the service of the Gyre, the Core, and even understanding and involvement in Terrasquestone itself. To see a Wight with the Mark of Perfection is to see a Dungeon Angel, and is also likely the last thing those who witness her will ever see.

Rather than list all abilities on each entry level, assume all special abilities are cumulative, unless there are different values, and in this instance, the greater value takes precedence, +2 with replace +1, greater replaces lesser.

G1: +2 Armor, +1 magic user level, + 10 movement 

G2: Anti-Scan, the Mark of Perfection blocks magical attempts to scan abilities. Haste +1, +2 magic user level, + 15 movement

G3: +4 Armor, +3 magic user level, + 20 movement and can move +10 vertically

G4: Reflect Scan, the MoP spoofs magical attempts to scan abilities by using the stats of another creature in the vicinity, +4 magic user level, +30 movement and can glide a distance equal to their full movement ability per turn

G5: +6 Armor, Haste +2, +5 magic user level, +30 movement and full flight ability

G6: Immune to Scan, cannot be targeted directly by any magical spell. +6 magic user level, +40 movement, full flight ability and can teleport within line of sight.

G7: Immune to non-magical weapons, Scan-Confusion - anyone attempting to use the scan or other divination type magics suffers as per the spell Confusion and may harm themselves and others. Haste +3, + 7 magic user level, +50 movement, full flight, and can teleport within line of sight or Fast Travel anywhere within the Gyre.

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