1-Abyssian Pearl

In front of the safe of the Jeweller's Guild of Pier Point town, within Vallermoore is a large, magnificent pearl the size of two fists upon a velvet cushion. Seemingly a tempting target for robbers, the pearl is in fact a deadly booby trap from the deep sea. It is meant to target those who would cut stolen jewellery to make it unrecognisable. When it is cut it explodes violently, killing, maiming or blinding the cutter.

2-Ruby of Justice 

The Ruby of Justice is owned by the Supreme Court of Vallermoore. Fist sized and uncut, it has had a truth spell cast on it to glow when someone touches it and tells the truth, and is used in important cases where capital punishment is a possibility.

3-Emerald of Mind Transference

The Emerald of Mind Transference was set into a coronet worn by one of the early Kings of what later became Vallermoore as a trap by a dying King for his own son. With days to go before a death from old age, the King, who was also a warlock of renown, enchanted the crown with his own mind intending to possess his son's mind when he wore it. But it was stolen by a master thief before the coronation who when he got it home could not resist trying it on. Since then the mind within the crown has become a senior gang boss of the country's equivalent of the Mafia. His ruling skills have been equally useful when applied to the underworld.

4-Black Diamond of Mourning

When Princess Chrysta committed suicide, a courtier presented the heartbroken Queen with several gifts-a painting of her lost daughter, a servant who was a jester of renown, and a carved jet amulet. Instead of jet, the stone is a Black Diamond and whilst she wears it, she will never truly get over her loss except when a replacement girl who looks and acts like her original daughter is with her. One of the courtier's cousins had earlier been blinded for treason, and this was his revenge.

5-Agnoscite Charm

Seemingly made of ivory, this charm of Agnoscite was given not long ago, supposingly as a gift and a symbol of friendship, but in fact out of spite, from the Grand Master of the Worshippers of Jove to the High Mistress of Ulmania. The cursed amulet prevents the High Mistress from using any of her clerical spells or powers, such as healing the sick once a year or her prayers reaching her goddess, and soon her Cardinalesses are likely to demand that she steps down, as it will seem that her Goddess is angry with her.

6-Methustine Coronet

Since this beautiful Coronet was presented to the Queens of Vallermoore and handed down from Queen to Queen at her coronation, none have lived very long. One died of alcoholism, a second of food poisoning, a third from an infected mosquito bite. What is thought to be dark purple amethyst is in fact the hell stone Methustine. A grand chancellor made a deal with a demon for the stones and had them set in gold in a coronet light enough to wear it for long periods of time. He has used the early death of the monarchs to gain a lot of power behind the throne but when he dies, he will surely be hell bound.

7-Xerle Dagger

This dagger with several fine xerle stones set into it was given as a gift to a City Guard who managed to capture a gang boss and successfully take him into custody, ignoring both his bribery offers and his bloodthirsty threats. Since then under the evil influence of the tainted dagger he has become excessively violent towards suspects, to the point where it can't be covered up much longer. If he loses his job, he is likely to snap and go on a killing spree.

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