1. Rumplewhite's Fairy
Also known as a normal or classic fairy, Rumplewhite's fairy is noted for it's whimsical nature, preference for perennial blooming ground cover, and their ability to mimic components of most common forms of speech. Children will chase and collect these common creatures, marveling at their tiny features, and some are even able to keep them as short lived pets. These creatures have a lifespan of a year in the wild, and 2-3 years in captivity. It isn't uncommon for hortaculturalists, flowerkeepers and the like to keep and breed semi-domesticated Rumplewhites to tend their gardens, keeping away harmful insect pests.
These fairies have small transparent wings, and are agile.
2. Cromlinde Fairy
While small, the Cromlinde fairy is pugnacious, territorial, and aggressive. These fae cannot stand the presence of other fae, even their own kind, save for the females of the species. like bantam roosters or fighting fish, Comlindes are prediposed to fighting and killing each other, and other fairies. It isn't uncommon for goblinoids and unsavory folk to raise and train Cromlindes for fairy fighting circles, which is used for gambling and underworld socializing.
Cromlinde fairies have large colorful wings which they use to bully and bluff other creatures into leaving their territory.
3. Cloudchaser Fairy
Large hawk-like fairies, Cloudchasers are boisterous noisy fairies prone to playing pranks and jokes on people and other intelligent species. They are known for stealing fruit, leaving behind graffiti and committing minor acts of vandalism. These fae are not above settling in the rooves and rafters of large cities, where they compete with other birds and avians that cohabitate with humans. They will capture and domesticate pigeons the same way humans capture and raise horses.
Cloudchasers have birdlike wings and are strong fliers.
4. Swampthorn Fairy
The Swampthorn Fairy is a vividly colored fairy species that favors wet marshy and swampy areas. Their bright purple, red, and gold wings display that they are venomous, and the few creatures that make the mistake of eating them find that they are poisonous as well. As a carrion eating species, Swampthorns are not really sought after for as pets or companions. They are also bullish, aggressive, and not above eating their own kind.
Swampthorns have butterfly like wings, and are primitive tool users.
5. Foxwhistle Fairy
The Foxwhistle is a large robust fairy noted for having bright red hair and earth tone moth wings. These fairies are not the best fliers, and spend as much time running around on the ground, and in the trees as they do in the air. Trainable and friendly when treated right, Foxwhistles can be raised and semi-domesticated by those with patience. They are territorial and aggressive with other fairies, and small animals. They are quick footed and quick witted and able to use traps, feints and other tricks to avoid predators and trick their opponents.
Foxwhistles can be aggressive in larger numbers.
6. Dustwing Fairy
The Dustwing Fairy is found in two places, mountains and deserts. Favoring harsh rocky environments, these tough fairies spend most of their time on the ground, and only fly if there is no other resort. They are large and strong for fairies, and are excellent at hiding in their rocky homes. Dustwings are not friendly, and they dislike anything in their territory other than female dustwings, natural flora, and passive creatures like tortoises.
Dustwings are tool users and make weapons and tools from wood and bone.
7. Spiderfoot Fairy
Not at all resembling spiders, spiderfoot fairies just happen to act like spiders, and have the uncanny ability to climb and stick to vertical surfaces, walking and scuttling around on walls, hanging from ceilings, and generally being just a little bit creepy. They are insectivores, and voracious hunters, with grasshoppers and crickets being their favorite fare, and they are more than willing to stalk and kill other fairies for food. Spiderfoots are most commonly found in rough terrain, with a mixture of trees, rock, and ample amounts of insects.
Spiderfoots can often resemble more common types of fae, especially Rumplewhites, until they attack with primitive tools and weapons, and some will craft 'armor' for themselves from the carapaces of dead insects.
8. Vulmarshroud Fairy
Like the Shadowlace fairy, the Vulmarshroud fairy is found in places of darkness, but specifically, places where there are hauntings, ghost sightings, and the veil between the world of the living and the dead is thin. These fae can flit between the living world and the shadow realm, and can see and converse with both the living and the dead, but favor the dead, as the often repetitive nature of ghosts meshes well with the short attention span and memory of a vulmarshroud fairy. These fairies are often seen lighting on dead things, tombstones, and flittering their wings in the doors and windows of abandoned homes, places where murders have happened, and battlefields.
Travelers will avoid setting up camp anywhere they find these gray winged fae.
9. Olos Fairy
The Olos Fairy, also known as a forge fairy, or anvil fairy, is a an uncommon sort of fairy found in the dark places, often deep in the earth, where there are large amounts of metal, either refined or in ore form. These earth fae are most commonly known among dwarves and others who dwell underground, but trade has brought them to the surface, where they most commonly find refuge in or near metalsmithing shops, or coffers where metal goods are held. Rather than being pests, these strange deep fae feed on oxidation, and keep any metal around them shiny and clean.
Olos fairies are small and have a dark metallic complexion and beetle like wings and carapaces.
10. Firespinner Fairy
A nocturnal fairy, the Firespinner is drawn to open flames, like torches, campfires, and cookfires. Rather remarkable little creatures, these fae, with their shimmering wings, will fly around, bouncing in the updraft from a flame, making displays and shows for each other, while the more daring males will dash in to 'steal' little bits of the flame. How they can carry off fire is purely a thing of magic. These fae can be pests as large numbers of them can put out fires, and spread fires by where they carry their little packets of stolen flame.
Firespinners have thin grey wings like dragonflies
11. Wilmira Water Fairy
The Wilmira, or Water Fairy is a small brightly colored fairy that favors lakes, ponds, rivers, creeks and other bodies of water. They are commonly found in the grass and reeds around these bodies of water. The Wilmira is a common fairy species, but are both shy and quick, making them hard to catch. They have a predatory relationship with amphibians and fish, with the wilmiras poaching eggs and hatchlings, but being themselves captured and eaten by adult toads and fish.
Wilmiras have lacewing or dragonfly wings, are primitive tool users, and have their own pidgin language.
12. Woodbeam Fairy
The Woodbeam Fairy is a very common type of fairy, and are most commonly encountered in arboreal settings, especially the edges of forests, lightly forested areas, and copses of trees. Large, with vivid green wings like leaves, or the Luna moth, Woodbeams feed on treesap and tree pollen, and are a sign of a healthy forest. They are not found in the denser parts of the forests, and their likewise avoid large open areas. These fairies are also more commonly active at night than during the day. It is common for elves to tend nests of Woodbeams as they make for good eyes and ears, and for early warning systems.
They have large wings, are strong fliers, but move more like birds than flitting insects.
13. Nightbug Fairy
The Nightbug fairy is a nocturnal fairy that favors woodlands, creeks, and open fields. Superficially similar to Rumplewhites, Nightbugs are able to produce light patterns across their wings as a primitive form of communication (mating display, scare away predators, etc) and are most common in temperate climates during summer months. These fairies are somewhat tougher than the average fairy as their wings are more similar to beetle wings, complete with a rear/back carapace.
Nightbugs are also known as Firefly fairies.
14. Aranmere Fairy
A thankfully rare and potentially dangerous fairy. The Aranmere is on the smaller side and as much levitates as it flies through the use of it's wings. They are to a degree intelligent, but the real danger is that Aranmeres have the ability to manipulate emotion, which they use to protect their nests by emotion-bonding and controlling larger animals. This power is not as effective on humans and sentient beings, but children and the simple minded can be controlled by these fae. Groups of them can combine their efforts and overpower the will of most creatures, but this ability dissipates once the creature is removed from the nest of fae.
Aranmeres favor rough mixed terrain, with a mixture of rock, trees and open space, and can be found in places where there is natural magic.
15. Frostblossom Fairy
The Frostblossom is a rare sort of fairy that lives in cold climates that have long cold winters interrupted by short mild summers. These cold resistant fairies are elementally attuned to ice and cold, and can live quite a long time, as they spend most of the winter burrowed down into the ground hibernating. They spend the short summer feeding and mating, and then a brief period of hunting before they dig down for the winter.
They have tool using skills, a minimal language, and are among the few carnivorous fairies. They have white and blue wings like a moth.
16. Kvothwing Fairy
If there was ever a fairy that could be described as magnificent, dangerous, and powerful, it would be the Kvothwing, or Dragon Fairy. These metallic colored fairies are large and robust (for fairies that is) and are opportunistic hunters, willing to kill small animals, insects, and birds to eat them, rather than just feeding on pollen, tree nectar, and fruits and seeds. While not as large as a Cloudchaser, Kvothwings are much stronger, and much more aggressive.
Kvothwings more resemble dragonflies than reptilian dragons.
17. Shadowlace Fairy
The Shadowlace fairy is remarkable for it's jet black wings and affinity for darkness, and magics that draw on dark energies. While the fairies themselves are largely neutral in nature, they are commonly found in places favored by necromancers and black priests channeling unholy magics. As such, most people consider finding one of these normally reclusive, pale skinned fairies to be very bad luck. This fairy has a remarkable lifespan, 5-7 years, and they make ready companions to magic users. Some shadowlace fairies have lived as long as 2 decades with proper care and magical feeding.
These fairies have long dark wings like dragonflies and they are most common in the cooler autumn months.
18. Silvermeadow Fairy
The Silvermeadow Fairy is a rare and delicate creature, it is more wing than anything else. These fae are only found in places strongly associated with fae magic such as stone dolmens, fairy circles, and other places of strong natural magic. The Silvermeadow spends its entire life in the air, it's large gossamer wings catching even the slightest bit of breeze to keep the aloft.
Silvermeadows have the smallest bodies and the largest wings of all fairy species, and they are either iridescent in color, or have color shifting abilities with their wings.
19. Mig-Shub Fairy
The Mig-Shub are a rare sort of fairy and are decidedly non-humanoid. Their bodies more resemble a bizarre hybrid of tiny human and cephalopod, with clusters of tiny tentacles instead of arms and legs. A few have these clusters of writhing tiny tendrils instead of heads. Mig-Shubs are seen as harbingers of dark and unholy forces at work, and finding a nest of these almost completely harmless fae is enough to set of witch hunts, inquisitions, and periods of panic and unrest.
Mig-Shubs, with their flailing tendrils and small fluttering moth wings, look freakish but in all other regards are functionally mundane fairies that make people act crazy.
20. Achagog Fairy
Very strange fairies, the Achagog are a pale green or a light gray color and large vividly colored eyes, and tiny thin wings that beat so fast they are all but invisible. Achagogs are residents of the astral plane, and are only found in places where astral magics have been used. In the astral realms, these fae are very common, much like rats or other pests, or the common rumplewhite, which they might have been thousands of generations ago. These diminutive fae are easily overlooked, and even when found, very easy to forget. Some mages have found them useful in potions of obfuscation and memory erasing spells, if they could remember where they last saw them.
Achagogs are drawn to light, and magic.
21. Westwick Fairy
The Westwick Fairy is known by a large number of names, mostly associating them with various small songbirds, such as the sparrowwing, flutterrobin, and such. These are gregarious arboreal fae who cohabitate commonly with songbirds, squirrels and other other animals that live in the trees. Westwicks mimic both speech and bird calls, and it isn't uncommon for folk along the edge of a forest to have nests of Westwicks, and for some people to raise them.
Westwicks have drab females and brightly colored males, and their coloration favors a variety of bird species. Blue jays, cardinals, robins, and starlings are all common varietals.
22. Cilronvale Fairy
Initially discovered in the Cilron valley, these fairies are remarkable for their resonance with chaos magics. They are largely immune to, or resistant to the effects that are found around places that are fonts of such discordant energy. Cilronvales are easily noted for their brightly colored wings and highly erratic flight patterns. They also are able to spread the effects of chaotic energies, effectively shaking it off like dust from their wings. Mages especially dislike these fae as their presence causes very minor changes in things like geomantic flows, the patterns in alchemical arrays, and such. A common prank in magic academies is to smuggle in and release a nest of these fae, especially during exams, just to watch instructor's magic go awry, students magic to go upside down, and other general hilarity.
Cilronvales are small and beetlelike.
23. Gavelwasp
The Gavelwasp is a medium sized fairy that is drawn to dark quiet places, where order and organization are strong, a major contrast to the chaotic Cilronvale fairy. Gavelwasps have very slender bodies, but large wings that fold around them like a judge or magisters robes, and given their preferences, can be found in the nooks and crannies of judges chambers, council halls, libraries, and centers of higher learning.
Gavelwasps are as their suggests, wasp like, but lack a stinger.
24. Nyon-Hogo Fairy
The Nyon-Hogo fairies are rarely described, as they are most commonly associated with temporal magics, time travel, and time travel paradoxes. These blue skinned fae have fast moving almost invisible wings, and can be found in places where time travel and temporal magics have been used, and they can often act outside of the normal flow of time, moving backwards through time, often to the confusion and amusement of those watching them. Nyon-Hogos can also be sometimes found in astral space, confluences of magical energy, and in dreamlands areas.
The Nyon-Hogo resembles a lacewing or dragonfly winged fairy with varying degrees of blue skin, and bright blue wings.
25. Micromuluous Fairy
The Micromuluous Fairy is an artificial construct, a fairy made from alchemy and magic. These creatures are neuter, identical, and while they were created out of a 'mad wizard' because we can attitude, but the creatures were later found to be useful. Wizards will use them as messengers, to deliver small packages, etc. Spies, thieves and assassins use them for the same reason, though sometimes the job is to deliver a vial of poison into someone's sleeping mouth. Likewise, they can be used to sniff out and infiltrate other fairy nests, and in the case of unwanted fae, remove them with potions, dusts, or spell items.
Micromuluous fairies are very generic, grey bodies with translucent wings.
26. Hellgnat
The Hellgnat is a small fairie, found around hell pits, areas of demonic infestations, and in the general presence of the infernal, and those who worship infernal powers. These diminutive creatures are native to the hellish realms, and feed on misery, suffering, feces, and blood. As such, the presence of such creatures is generally a sign that something is amiss. Hellgnats have pudgy red bodies and small black wings that beat furiously, creating a distinctive buzzing noise.
Hellgnats are small, and have no special abilities other than being annoying. Their diet does give them the ability to spread diseases, but this is a mundane function.
27. Churchbelle Fairy
Churchbelle Fairies are strongly positive energy aligned fae who can be found in churches, holy ground, well tended gardens near churches and holy places, and celestial lenses. These fae range from white and pastel colors to full metallic sheens and while they are discouraged from settled in or near churches, most common folk are glad to see these small fae, as they are a natural indicator of positive forces at work.
Churchbelle fairies have butterfly wings that resemble stained glass windows.
28. Khranazor Fairy
The Khranazor fairy is an ethereal dream like creature, and technically none have ever actually been encountered. Rather, these mysterious fae only appear when viewing an area through remote means such as clairvoyance, astral traveling, or dreamwalking. Only then do these fairies appear, fluttering about in the corners, and in gardens of strange flowers that exist only in these inside out upside down perceptions of reality.
The Khranazor fairy is average sized with quick moving butterfly wings, and most are translucent, which can be disconcerting up close, as their internal organs are easily visible through their clear flesh.
29. Vampire Fairy
Despite their name, the Vampire fairy is not a form of undead, but rather much closer to the vampire bat or mosquito in disposition. These small pale fairies have blood red wings like ghoulish butterflies, and they have a taste for blood. Rather than killing, these fae will pick a larger host and stay with them, so long as the host offers them blood to eat. For large animals, this isn't a social deal, but there are plenty of humanoids and sentient beings who are willing to shed a few drops of blood for the companionship of one of the longest lived fairy species. These creatures can live up to twenty years if well cared for, and can become competent conversationalists and carry out basic tasks.
Vampire fairies are popular companions for necromancers, students of the dark arts, and such.
30. Gemtwirl Fairy
The Gemtwirl Fairy is a rare fairy that can sometimes be found in grottos, old mines, dungeons, and vacant dragon's dens. These hardy fae live underground and are natural collectors of tiny gems and jewels and will decorate themselves and their wings with this almost dust like collection. They are flashy, and have a faint hint of magical ability, allowing a nest of them to pool their abilities to cast cantrips and first level spells with some difficulty.
Gemtwirls have large dark colored wings like moths.
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? Responses (8)

Very original. I'd like a pet fairy lol.

Cloudchaser and Nightbug Fairies are the two that somehow really spring out at me.

These type of posts are the most useful to me anyway. Being able to browse and choose one that fits the seen is so mush better than forcing the seen to fit the details encounter.
Thanks for the effort on this.

Wow, this is another excellent 30, each one deserving of greater detail - perhaps their own subs.
The positioning of the Fairies as short-lived, relatively stupid creatures is interesting and creates a dynamic between these and other Fae.
Really love this one!

Excellent 30 as others have said, I especially like how you attribute different terrains to different types of fairies and the fact that they are all benevolent or innocuous.

Exceptional work, I would love to use this in one of my games

5/5 How did I put this in my favs and not vote!?!